PwnedPasswordsChecker : Tool To Check Hash Of Password

PwnedPasswordsChecker is a tool that checks if the hash of a known password (in SHA1 or NTLM format) is present in the list of I Have Been Pwned leaks and the number of occurrences. You can download the hash-coded version for SHA1 here or the hash-coded version for NTLM here Once the list is downloaded …

HashCobra : Hash Cracking Tool

HashCobra is a tool uses a new method to crack hashes. With the help of rainbow tables concept this tool generates rainbow tables from wordlists to heavily optimize the cracking process. $ ./hashcobra -H –==[ hashcobra by sepehrdad ]==– Usage:hashcobra -o <opr> [options] | [misc] Options: -a <alg> – hashing algorithm [default: md5] – ? …

Hashboy : A Hash Query Tool

Hashboy is a simple hash query tool and was redeveloped on hash-buster. So let us have a look on how to install and use the hash query tool. Install $git clone$cd hashboy-tool$python3 Usage $ python3 Author:Leiothrix Github: [-h] [-s HASH] [-f FILE] [-t THREADS]optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message …

HashPump – Tool To Exploit Hash Length Extension Attack In Various Hashing Algorithms

HashPump is a tool to exploit the hash length extension attack in various hashing algorithms. Currently supported algorithms: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512. Menu $ hashpump -h HashPump [-h help] [-t test] [-s signature] [-d data] [-a additional] [-k keylength] HashPump generates strings to exploit signatures vulnerable to the Hash Length Extension Attack. -h –help Display …

John The Ripper – One Stop Password Audit Tool

John The Ripper – A one stop password audit tool for various formats John is a state of the art offline password cracking tool. John was better known as John The Ripper(JTR) combines many forms of password crackers into one single tool. It automatically detects the type of password & tries to crack them with …