HikvisionExploiter is a Python-based utility designed to automate exploitation and directory accessibility checks on Hikvision network cameras exploiting the Web interface Version

It downloads snapshots and compiles them into videos for efficient surveillance monitoring, Then retrieves the camera device info and downloads the “configurationFile” to all the registered Users Creds.

Table Of Contents

  • Features
  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Configuration
  • Finding Targets
  • License


  1. Automated Directory Accessibility Checks for Hikvision Cameras
  2. Snapshot Downloading and Storage
  3. Device Information Retrieval and Logging
  4. User Information Retrieval and Logging
  5. Encrypted Configuration File Downloading and Decryption
  6. Comprehensive CVE Vulnerability Checks
    • CVE-2021-36260 Detection
    • CVE-2017-7921 Detection
    • CVE-2022-28171 Detection
  7. Multi-Target Support with targets.txt
  8. Detailed Logging for Each Target
  9. Real-Time Feedback with Colored Output
  10. Interrupt Handling with SIGQUIT
  11. Customizable Configuration Options
  12. Organized Output for Snapshots, Logs, and Decrypted Files


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • FFmpeg
  • requests library
  • PyCrypto library (for decrypt_configurationFile.py, install using pip install pycrypto)


Clone The Repository

git clone https://github.com/HexBuddy/HikvisionExploiter.git
cd HikvisionExploiter

Install required packages

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install FFmpeg

Download and install FFmpeg from FFmpeg’s official website.


Create a targets.txt file

Create a targets.txt file in the root directory of the project with the following format:


Each line should contain an IP address and port of a Hikvision camera.

Run The Script

python3 checker.py

The script will check the accessibility of the directories on the specified cameras, download snapshots, and compile them into videos.


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