Metateta – Automated Tool For Scanning And Exploiting Network Protocols

Metateta is an automated tool for scanning and exploiting network protocols using metasploit and for faster pen testing for large networks. Network protocols are formal models and strategies contained rules, techniques and formats that characterize communication between at least two gadgets over a network. Network protocols oversee the end-to-end procedures of opportune, secure and managed information or network communication.

Also Read How to use Masscan to Enumerate Large Number of Hosts Quickly

What You Can Do With Metateta

  • Scanning with all metasploit modules for specific network Protocol like smb,smtp,snmp
  • Run all Auxiliary modules against specific network Protocol
  • Run all Possible Metasploit Exploits for specific network Protocol That's is not recommended for real pen testing
  • Can Run against one target or network or even text file with targets

Using example’s -R -p smb -x exploit -r -p smtp -x scan -f hosts.txt -p smb -x auxiliary