Offensive Lua is a collection of offensive security scripts written in Lua with FFI. The scripts run with LuaJIT (v2.0.5) on Microsoft Windows to perform common tasks.

  • Run an EXE
  • Bypass UAC
  • File, Networking or Registry
  • Common Tasks (e.g. bind a shell)

Lua is a lesser used but very useful choice for post-exploitation scripting language. It’s flexible, lightweight, easy to embed, runs interpreted or as bytecode from memory and allows for JIT to interact with the host OS libraries.

bin2hex.luaConvert a binary to hex for binrun.lua
binrun.luaWrites a hex of EXE to a random location and exec’s
bindshell.luabind a shell on TCP port 5000
ComputerDefaultsUACBypass.luaBypass UAC restrictions via ms-settings
console.luaConsole App Example
downloadexec.luaDownload & Exec over HTTP
downloadexec_UACbypass.luaDownload & BypassUAC & Exec over HTTP
filewrite.luaWrite a file
luajit.exeLuaJIT compiled from our internal source tree.
messagebox.luaMessageBox Example
regread.luaRead from Registry
regwrite.luaWrite to Registry
regwritedel.luaWrite and Delete from Registry
rickroll.luaOpen a browser on URL
runcmd.luaRun a command popen
runcmd2.luaRun a command os.execute
runswhide.luaRun a command via CreateProcess with SW_HIDE
uac_bypass_bluetooth_win10.luaBypass UAC via Bluetooth on Windows10

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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