SMB-Session-Spoofing : Tool To Create A Fake SMB Session
SMB-Session-Spoofing is a utility that can be compiled with Visual Studio 2019 (or newer). The goal of this program is to create a fake SMB Session. The primary purpose of this is to serve as a method to lure attackers into accessing a honey-device. This program comes with no warranty or guarantees. Program Modifications Instructions This program will require you to...
Notionterm : Embed Reverse Shell In Notion Pages
Notionterm is a Embed Reverse Shell In Notion Pages Hiding attacker IP in reverse shell (No direct interaction between attacker and target machine. Notion is used as a proxy hosting the reverse shell)Demo/Quick proof insertion within reportHigh available and shareable reverse shell (desktop, browser, mobile)Encrypted and authenticated remote shell The focus was on making something fun while still being usable, but that's...
Zap-Scripts : Zed Attack Proxy Scripts For Finding CVEs And Secrets
Zap-Scripts is a Zed Attack Proxy Scripts for finding CVEs and Secrets. Building This project uses Gradle to build the ZAP add-on, simply run: ./gradlew build in the main directory of the project, the add-on will be placed in the directory build/zapAddOn/bin/. Usage The easiest way to use this repo in ZAP is to add the directory to the scripts directory in ZAP (under Options ->...
PowerGram : Multiplatform Telegram Bot In Pure PowerShell
PowerGram is a pure PowerShell Telegram Bot that can be run on Windows, Linux or Mac OS. To make use of it, you only need PowerShell 4 or higher and an internet connection. All communication between the Bot and Telegram servers is encrypted with HTTPS, but all requests will be sent in GET method, so they could easily be intercepted. Requirements PowerShell 4.0...
Labtainers : A Docker-based Cyber Lab Framework
Labtainers include more than 50 cyber lab exercises and tools to build your own. Import a single VM appliance or install on a Linux system and your students are done with provisioning and administrative setup, for these and future lab exercises. Consistent lab execution environments and automated provisioning via Docker containersMulti-component network topologies on a modestly performing laptop computerAutomated assessment of student...
K0Otkit : Universal Post-Penetration Technique Which Could Be Used In Penetrations Against Kubernetes Clusters
k0otkit is a universal post-penetration technique which could be used in penetrations against Kubernetes clusters. With k0otkit, you can manipulate all the nodes in the target Kubernetes cluster in a rapid, covert and continuous way (reverse shell). k0otkit is the combination of Kubernetes and rootkit. Prerequisite: k0otkit is a post-penetration tool, so you have to firstly conquer a cluster, somehow manage to escape from the container...
Free and Paid VPNs: Pros and Cons
Using Virtual Protocol Networks (VPNs) is becoming extremely popular day by day. People need them to overcome different types of geo-restrictions, secure their accounts from blocking, deal with censorship, and feel more protected on the Net. This article compares free and paid VPNs, analyzing all their pros and cons, to help you make the right choice. The Difference Between Free and...
PersistBOF : Tool To Help Automate Common Persistence Mechanisms
PersistBOF is a tool to help automate common persistence mechanisms. Currently supports Print Monitor (SYSTEM), Time Provider (Network Service), Start folder shortcut hijacking (User), and Junction Folder (User) Usage Clone, run make, add .cna to Cobalt Strike client. run: help persist-ice in CS console Syntax: persist-ice ; Technique Overview All of these techniques rely on a Dll file to be seperately placed on...
Mitmproxy2Swagger : Automatically Reverse-Engineer REST APIs Via Capturing Traffic
Mitmproxy2Swagger is a tool for automatically converting mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. This means that you can automatically reverse-engineer REST APIs by just running the apps and capturing the traffic. Installation First you will need python3 and pip3. pip install mitmproxy2swagger… or …pip3 install mitmproxy2swagger Then clone the repo and run mitmproxy2swagger as per examples below. Usage Mitmproxy To create a specification by inspecting HTTP traffic you will need to: Capture the...
BinAbsInspector : Vulnerability Scanner For Binaries
BinAbsInspector (Binary Abstract Inspector) is a static analyzer for automated reverse engineering and scanning vulnerabilities in binaries, which is a long-term research project incubated at Keenlab. It is based on abstract interpretation with the support from Ghidra. It works on Ghidra's Pcode instead of assembly. Currently it supports binaries on x86,x64, armv7 and aarch64. Installation Install Ghidra according to Ghidra's documentationInstall Z3 (tested version: 4.8.15)Note...