Byp4Xx : Simple Bash Script To Bypass “403 Forbidden” Messages


Byp4Xx is a bash script to bypass "403 Forbidden" responses with well-known methods discussed in #bugbountytips. Installation git clone byp4xxchmod u+x Usage: Start URL with http or https. ./ http(s)://url/pathOPTIONS:-c Return the entire curl command if response is 200-r Redirects if the response is 3XX Example: ./ Features: Multiple HTTP verbs/methodsMultiple methods mentioned in #bugbountytipsMultiple headers: Referer, X-Custom-IP-Authorization...Allow redirectsReturn the entire curl command...

HyperDbg : The Source Code Of HyperDbg Debugger


HyperDbg is designed with a focus on using modern hardware technologies to provide new features to the reverse engineering world. It operates on top of Windows by virtualizing an already running system using Intel VT-x and Intel PT. This debugger aims not to use any APIs and software debugging mechanisms, but instead, it uses Second Layer Page Table (a.k.a....

Oblivion : Data Leak Checker And OSINT Tool


Oblivion is a tool focused in real time monitoring of new data leaks, notifying if the credentials of the user has been leak out. It's possible too verify if any credential of user has been leak out before. The Oblivion have two modes: Oblivion Client: graphical mode.Oblivion Server: mode with API functionalities. NOTE: The Oblivion Client and the Oblivion Server are...

RogueWinRM : Windows Local Privilege Escalation From Service Account To System


RogueWinRM is a local privilege escalation exploit that allows to escalate from a Service account (with SeImpersonatePrivilege) to Local System account if WinRM service is not running (default on Win10 but NOT on Windows Server 2019). Briefly, it will listen for incoming connection on port 5985 faking a real WinRM service.It's just a minimal webserver that will try to negotiate...

SharpMapExec : A Sharpen Version Of CrackMapExec


SharpMapExec is a sharpen version of CrackMapExec. This tool is made to simplify penetration testing of networks and to create a swiss army knife that is made for running on Windows which is often a requirement during insider threat simulation engagements. Besides scanning for access it can be used to identify vulnerable configurations and exfiltrate data. The idea for the...

What Do IT Consulting Companies Really Do?

What Do IT Consulting Companies Really Do?

No matter how big the industry is, IT technology and advancement have such a huge influence in many business operations. Nowadays, more and more companies, regardless of their business sizes, consider consulting services to improve their overall business operations. It is undeniable that IT holds such an important role in the way small to mid-sized enterprises do their own business....

Vulmap : Web Vulnerability Scanning & Verification Tools


Vulmap is a vulnerability scanning tool that can scan for vulnerabilities in Web containers, Web servers, Web middleware, and CMS and other Web programs, and has vulnerability exploitation functions. Relevant testers can use vulmap to detect whether the target has a specific vulnerability, and can use the vulnerability exploitation function to verify whether the vulnerability actually exists. It is currently...

Censys-Python : An Easy-To-Use & Lightweight API Wrapper For The Censys Search Engine


Censys-Python is an easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for the Censys Search Engine ( Python 3.6+ is currently supported. Getting Started The library can be installed using pip. $ pip install censys To configure your credentials run censys config or set both CENSYS_API_ID and CENSYS_API_SECRET environment variables. $ censys config Censys API ID: XXX Censys API Secret: XXX Successfully authenticated for Development $ git clone...

Swego : Swiss Army Knife Webserver In Golang


Swego is a swiss army knife Webserver in Golang. Keep simple like the python SimpleHTTPServer but with many features. Usage Run the binary If you don't want to build it, binaries are availables on Otherwise, build-essential should be installed and GOPATH configured: git clone Swego/srcmake compileLinux # Or make compileWindows Help $ ./webserver -helpweb subcommand-bind stringBind Port (default "8080")-certificate stringHTTPS certificate : openssl req...

Parrot 4.10 Released To Make Distribution More Reliable & Secure. Download Now !!


We 're proud to announce Parrot OS 4.10 launched. This new version contains loads of essential changes to make the distribution more stable and efficient. You can download Parrot OS from our official download page, and we invite you to never trust third party and unofficial sources. We also have official torrent files for virtual machines, and are ready to use...