Watcher : Open Source Cybersecurity Threat Hunting Platform


Watcher is a Django & React JS automated platform for discovering new potentially cybersecurity threats targeting your organization. It should be used on webservers and available on Docker. Watcher Capabilities Detect emerging vulnerability, malware using social network & other RSS sources (,,, Keywords in pastebin & in other IT content exchange websites (stackoverflow, github, gitlab, bitbucket, apkmirror, npm...).Monitor malicious...

Sploit : Go Package That Aids In Binary Analysis And Exploitation


Sploit is a Go package that aids in binary analysis and exploitation. The motivating factor behind the development of sploit is to be able to have a well designed API with functionality that rivals some of the more common Python exploit development frameworks while taking advantage of the Go programming language. Excellent cross-compiler support, goroutines, powerful crypto libraries, and...

Fawkes : Tool To Search For Targets Vulnerable To SQL Injection


Fawkes is a tool to search for targets vulnerable to SQL Injection. Performs the search using Google search engine. Options -q, --query - Dork that will be used in the search engine.-r, --results - Number of results brought by the search engine.-s, --start-page - Home page of search results.-t, --timeout - Timeout of requests.-v, --verbose - Enable verbosity. Examples python3 --query 'noticias.php?id=10'...

Bheem : Tool To Carry Out Various Tools And Recon Process


Project Bheem is a simple collection of small bash-scripts which runs iteratively to carry out various tools and recon process & store output in an organized way. This project was created initially for automation of Recon for personal usage and was never meant to be public as there is nothing fancy about it but due to request by community,...

Bento : A Minimal Fedora-Based Container For Penetration Tests


A bento (弁当, bentō) is a single-portion take-out or home-packed meal of Japanese origin. Bento Toolkit is a simple and minimal docker container for penetration testers and CTF players. It has the portability of Docker with the addition of X, so you can also run GUI application (like burp). Prerequisites To run bento you need Docker and a Xorg server on your...

Scilla : Information Gathering Tool (DNS/Subdomain/Port Enumeration)


Scilla is a information gathering tool (DNS/Subdomain/Port Enumeration). Installation First of all, clone the repo locally git clone Scilla has external dependencies, so they need to be pulled in: go get Linux (Requires high perms, run with sudo) make linuxmake unlinux Windows (executable works only in scilla folder. Alias?) make windowsmake unwindowsmake fmt run the golang formatter.make update Update.make remod Remod.make test runs the tests. Get Started scilla help...

Freki : Malware Analysis Platform


Freki is a free and open-source malware analysis platform. Goals Facilitate malware analysis and reverse engineering;Provide an easy-to-use REST API for different projects;Easy deployment (via Docker);Allow the addition of new features by the community. Current Features Hash extraction.VirusTotal API queries.Static analysis of PE files (headers, sections, imports, capabilities, and strings).Pattern matching with Yara.Web interface and REST API.User management.Community comments.Download samples. Check our online documentation...

Ghost : An Android Post-Exploitation Framework


Ghost Framework is an Android post-exploitation framework that exploits the Android Debug Bridge to remotely access an Android device. Ghost Framework gives you the power and convenience of remote Android device administration. Getting Started Ghost installationGhost uninstallation Execution To run Ghost Framework you should execute the following command. ghost Why Ghost Framework? Simple and clear UX/UI. Ghost Framework has a simple and clear UX/UI. It is easy...

ToRat : A Remote Administration Tool Written In Go Using Tor As A Transport Mechanism & RPC For Communication


ToRat is a Cross Platform Remote Administration tool written in Go using Tor as its transport mechanism currently supporting Windows, Linux, MacOS clients. How to? TL;DR git clone cd ./ToRat sudo docker build . -t torat sudo docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/dist:/dist_ext torat Prerequisites Install Docker on Linuxubuntu sudo pacman -s docker Install Clone this repo via git git clone

WSMan-WinRM : Scripts For Executing Remote Commands Over WinRM Using The WSMan.Automation COM Object


WSMan-WinRM is a collection of proof-of-concept source code and scripts for executing remote commands over WinRM using the WSMan.Automation COM object. Background For background information, please refer to the following blog post: WS-Management COM: Another Approach for WinRM Lateral Movement Notes SharpWSManWinRM.cs and CppWsManWinRM.cpp compile in Visual Studio 2019. Refer to the code comments for required imports/references/etc.All examples leverage the WMI Win32_Process class...