Knock – Tool Designed To Enumerate Subdomains

Knock is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.

It is designed to scan for DNS zone transfer and to try to bypass the wildcard DNS record automatically if it is enabled.

Now knockpy supports queries to VirusTotal subdomains, you can setting the API_KEY within the config.json file.

$ knockpy

If you want to save full log like this one just type:

$ knockpy –json

Also Read:DjangoHunter : Tool To Identify Incorrectly Configured Django Applications

Knock Install

  • Dnspython

$ sudo apt-get install python-dnspython

  • Installing

$ git clone
$ cd knock
$ nano knockpy/config.json <- set your virustotal API_KEY
$ sudo python install

Note : It’s recommended to use Google DNS: and

  • Knockpy arguments

$ knockpy -h
usage: knockpy [-h] [-v] [-w WORDLIST] [-r] [-c] [-j] domain
knock subdomain scan
knockpy v.4.1
Author: Gianni ‘guelfoweb’ Amato
positional arguments:
domain target to scan, like
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-v, –version show program’s version number and exit
-w WORDLIST specific path to wordlist file
-r, –resolve resolve ip or domain name
-c, –csv save output in csv
-f, –csvfields add fields name to the first row of csv output file
-j, –json export full report in JSON
knockpy -w wordlist.txt
knockpy -r or IP
knockpy -c

Note : For virustotal subdomains support you can setting your API_KEY in the config.json file.

Credit: Gianni ‘guelfoweb’ Amato

MEC : massExploitConsole For Concurrent Exploiting

massExploitConsole a collection of hacking tools with a CLI & UI for concurrent exploiting. Following are the features of MEC;

  • an easy-to-use cli ui
  • execute any adpated exploits with process-level concurrency
  • some built-in exploits (automated)
  • hide your ip addr using proxychains4 and ss-proxy (built-in)
  • zoomeye host scan (10 threads)
  • a simple baidu crawler (multi-threaded)
  • censys host scan

Also Read : Most Popular Hacking Tools in 2018

MEC Getting Started

git clone && cd massExpConsole && ./

  • when installing pypi deps, apt-get install libncurses5-dev (for Debian-based distros) might be needed
  • now you should be good to go (if not, please report missing deps here)
  • type proxy command to run a pre-configured Shadowsocks socks5 proxy in the background, vim ./data/ss.json to edit proxy config. and, ss-proxy exits with


  • GNU/Linux, WSL, MacOS (not tested), fully tested under Arch Linux, Kali Linux (Rolling, 2018), Ubuntu Linux (16.04 LTS) and Fedora 25 (it will work on other distros too as long as you have dealt with all deps)
  • Python 3.5 or later (or something might go wrong,
  • proxychains4 (in $PATH), used by exploiter, requires a working socks5 proxy (you can modify its config in
  • Java is required when using Java deserialization exploits, you might want to install openjdk-8-jre if you haven’t installed it yet.

Note: That you have to install all the deps of your exploits or tools as well.


  • just run, if it complains about missing modules, install them
  • if you want to add your own exploit script (or binary file, whatever):
    • cd exploits, mkdir <your_exploit_dir>
    • your exploit should take the last argument passed to it as its target, dig into to know more
    • chmod +x <exploit> to make sure it can be executed by current user
    • use attack command then m to select your custom exploit
  • type help in the console to see all available features
  • zoomeye requires a valid user account config file zoomeye.conf


  • Please use this tool only on authorized systems, im not responsible for any damage caused by users who ignore my warning.

Evilginx2 : Standalone Man-In-The-Middle Attack Framework

Evilginx2 is a man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, which in turn allows to bypass 2-factor authentication protection.

This tool is a successor to Evilginx, released in 2017, which used a custom version of nginx HTTP server to provide man-in-the-middle functionality to act as a proxy between a browser and phished website.

Present version is fully written in GO as a standalone application, which implements its own HTTP and DNS server, making it extremely easy to set up and use.

Also ReadFindYara – IDA Python Plugin To Scan Binary With Yara Rules

Evilginx2 Installation

You can either use a precompiled binary package for your architecture or you can compile evilginx2 from source.

You will need an external server where you’ll host your evilginx2 installation. I personally recommend Digital Ocean and if you follow my referral link, you will get an extra $10 to spend on servers for free.

Evilginx runs very well on the most basic Debian 8 VPS.

Installing from source

In order to compile from source, make sure you have installed GO of version at least 1.10.0 (get it from here) and that $GOPATH environment variable is set up properly (def. $HOME/go).

After installation, add this to your ~/.profile, assuming that you installed GO in /usr/local/go:

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

Then load it with source ~/.profiles.

Now you should be ready to install evilginx2. Follow these instructions:

sudo apt-get install git make
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/

You can now either run evilginx2 from local directory like:

sudo ./bin/evilginx -p ./phishlets/

or install it globally:

sudo make install
sudo evilginx

Instructions above can also be used to update evilginx2 to the latest version.

Installing with Docker

You can launch evilginx2 from within Docker. First build the container:

docker build . -t evilginx2

Then you can run the container:

docker run -it -p 53:53/udp -p 80:80 -p 443:443 evilginx2

Phishlets are loaded within the container at /app/phishlets, which can be mounted as a volume for configuration.

Installing from precompiled binary packages

Grab the package you want from here and drop it on your box. Then do:

unzip .zip -d

If you want to do a system-wide install, use the install script with root privileges:

chmod 700 ./
sudo ./
sudo evilginx

or just launch evilginx2 from the current directory (you will also need root privileges):

chmod 700 ./evilginx
sudo ./evilginx


IMPORTANT! Make sure that there is no service listening on ports TCP 443, TCP 80 and UDP 53. You may need to shutdown apache or nginx and any service used for resolving DNS that may be running. evilginx2 will tell you on launch if it fails to open a listening socket on any of these ports.

By default, evilginx2 will look for phishlets in ./phishlets/ directory and later in /usr/share/evilginx/phishlets/. If you want to specify a custom path to load phishlets from, use the -p <phishlets_dir_path> parameter when launching the tool.

Usage of ./evilginx:
Enable debug output
Enable developer mode (generates self-signed certificates for all hostnames)
-p string
Phishlets directory path

You should see evilginx2 logo with a prompt to enter commands. Type help or help <command> if you want to see available commands or more detailed information on them.

Getting Started

To get up and running, you need to first do some setting up.

At this point I assume, you’ve already registered a domain (let’s call it and you set up the nameservers (both ns1 and ns2) in your domain provider’s admin panel to point to your server’s IP (e.g. = =

Set up your server’s domain and IP using following commands:

config domain
config ip

Now you can set up the phishlet you want to use. For the sake of this short guide, we will use a LinkedIn phishlet. Set up the hostname for the phishlet (it must contain your domain obviously):

phishlets hostname linkedin

And now you can enable the phishlet, which will initiate automatic retrieval of LetsEncrypt SSL/TLS certificates if none are locally found for the hostname you picked:

phishlets enable linkedin

Your phishing site is now live. Think of the URL, you want the victim to be redirected to on successful login and get the phishing URL like this (victim will be redirected to

phishlets get-url linkedin

Running phishlets will only respond to tokenized links, so any scanners who scan your main domain will be redirected to URL specified as redirect_url under config. If you want to hide your phishlet and make it not respond even to valid tokenized phishing URLs, use phishlet hide/unhide <phishlet> command.

You can monitor captured credentials and session cookies with:


To get detailed information about the captured session, with the session cookie itself (it will be printed in JSON format at the bottom), select its session ID:


The captured session cookie can be copied and imported into Chrome browser, using EditThisCookie extension.

Important! If you want evilginx2 to continue running after you log out from your server, you should run it inside a screen session.

Video Tutorial


  • We very much aware that Evilginx can be used for nefarious purposes. This work is merely a demonstration of what adept attackers can do.
  • It is the defender’s responsibility to take such attacks into consideration and find ways to protect their users against this type of phishing attacks.
  • Evilginx should be used only in legitimate penetration testing assignments with written permission from to-be-phished parties.

Credit: @cust0msync, @white_fi,rvrsh3ll @424f424f

Novahot – A Webshell Framework For Penetration Testers

Novahot is a webshell framework for penetration testers. It implements a JSON-based API that can communicate with trojans written in any language. By default, it ships with trojans written in PHP, ruby, and python.

Beyond executing system commands, novahot is able to emulate interactive terminals, including mysql, sqlite3, and psql. It additionally implements “virtual commands” that make it possible to upload, download, edit, and view remote files locallly using your preferred applications.

Also ReadFindYara – IDA Python Plugin To Scan Binary With Yara Rules

Novahot Installation

Install the executable directly from npm:

[sudo] npm install -g novahot

Then seed a config file:

novahot config > ~/.novahotrc


  • View the available trojans with novahot trojan list.
  • Select a trojan in a language that is appropriate for your target, then copy its source to a new file. (Ex: novahot trojan view basic.php > ~/my-trojan.php)
  • Change the control password in the newly-created trojan.
  • Upload the trojan to a web-accessible location on the target.
  • Configure target information in the targets property in ~/.novahotrc.
  • Run novahot shell <target> to open a shell.

Shell Modes

Internally, novahot uses “modes” and “adapters” to emulate various interactive clients, currently including the mysql, psql (postgres), and sqlite3 clients.

To change novahot’s mode, issue the appropriate “dot command”:

.mysql { "username" : "mysql-user", "password" : "the-password", "database" : "the-database" }

(Connection parameters may be specified as JSON while changing modes, or alternatively saved as target configuration data in ~/.novahotrc.)

For example, the mysql mode makes it possible to directly run queries like the following:

mysql> SELECT ID, user_login, user_email, user_pass FROM wp_users;

Virtual Commands

Novahot implements four “virtual commands” that utilize payloads built in to the trojans to extend the functionality of the shell:


download <remote-filename> [<local-filename>]

Downloads <remote-filename> to --download-dir, and optionally renames it to <local-filename> if specified.


upload <local-filename> [<remote-filename>]

Uploads <local-filename> to the shell’s cwd, and optionally renames <local-filename> to <remote-filename> if specified.


view <remote-filename> [<local-filename>]

Downloads <remote-filename> to --download-dir, and optionally renames it to <local-filename> After downloading, the file will be opened by the “viewer” application specified in the configs.


edit <remote-filename>

Downloads <remote-filename> to a temporary file, and then opens that file for editing using the “editor” specified in the configs. Afterward, if changes to the file are saved locally, the file will be re-uploaded to the server automatically.

Provisioning a Test Environment

This repository contains a laboratory environment built on Vagrant, Docker, and the Damn Vulnerable Web Application (“DVWA”). Steps for provisioning the environment vary depending on the capabilities of your physical host.

Using docker-compose

If you have docker and docker-compose installed on your physical host, you may simply do the following:

  1. Clone and cd to this repository
  2. Run: docker-compose up

After the docker container starts, the DVWA will be accessible at http://localhost:80.

Using Vagrant

If docker is not installed on your physical host, you may use Vagrant/Virtualbox to access a docker-capable virtual-machine:

  1. Clone and cd to this repository
  2. Provision a virtual machine: vagrant up
  3. SSH into the virtual machine: vagrant ssh
  4. Start the docker container: sudo su; cd /vagrant; docker-compose up

The DVWA will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Configuring novahot against the laboratory environment

Specify the following connection strings in your ~/.novahotrc file to connect the novahot client to the PHP trojan embedded in the DVWA container:


  "targets": {
    "dvwa" : {
      "uri"      : "http://localhost:8000/novahot.php",
      "password" : "the-password",

      "mysql" : {
        "username": "root",
        "password": "vulnerables",
        "database": "dvwa"


You may then establish a webshell via:

novahot shell dvwa

DjangoHunter : Tool To Identify Incorrectly Configured Django Applications

Djangohunter is a tool designed to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information.

DjangoHunter Usage

Usage: python3 --key {shodan}
Dorks: 'DisallowedHost', 'KeyError', 'OperationalError', 'Page not found at /'


  • Shodan
  • Pyfiglet
  • Requests
  • BeautifulSoup

pip -r install requirements

Also ReadScannerl : The Modular Distributed Fingerprinting Engine

Video Tutorial


Code samples are provided for educational purposes. Adequate defenses can only be built by researching attack techniques available to malicious actors. Using this code against target systems without prior permission is illegal in most jurisdictions. The authors are not liable for any damages from misuse of this information or code.

WPScan – Checks Vulnerabilities and Spots Security Issues

WPScan effectively scans your WordPress website and checks the vulnerabilities within the core version, plugins, themes, etc helping to spot the security issues.

Firstly, install WPScan!
Installation can be done through github
git clone
Go to the directory where you have downloaded wpscan and 
install the bundle files.
bundle install && rake install

Now, we are ready to use WPScan!
wpscan –url http://target.tld –enumerate u
Use the command according to your necessity.
As in,

u= User information
p =Plugins

This basic command will scan your website and identifies the active themes and other exposed vulnerable information

Exposed webserver type of the website

The Administrative Login page of the WordPress Site

The exposed WordPress version

Vulnerable Plugins in the website will be fetched, depicting its various categories right from the most vulnerable ones [with a red exclamation mark] upto the plugins which aren’t updated. Meaning, each and every vulnerable information will be represented.

Vulnerable themes

You can see the list of vulnerabilities identified specifically with respect to your website:

You can scan your website thoroughly to check vulnerabilities and isolate them!

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CRS – OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set or CRS is a set of generic attack detection rules for use with ModSecurity or compatible web application firewalls.

It aims to protect web applications from a wide range of attacks, including the OWASP Top Ten, with a minimum of false alerts.

Also ReadXSS Fuzzer : Tool Which Generates XSS Payloads Based On User-Defined Vectors & Fuzzing Lists

It provides protection against many common attack categories, including:

SQL Injection (SQLi)
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Local File Inclusion (LFI)
Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
PHP Code Injection
Java Code Injection New in CRS 3.1!
Unix/Windows Shell Injection
Session Fixation
Scripting/Scanner/Bot Detection
Metadata/Error Leakages

CRS Installation

It requires an Apache/IIS/Nginx web server with ModSecurity 2.8.0 or higher.

git clone

After download, copy crs-setup.conf.example to crs-setup.conf. Optionally edit this file to configure your CRS settings. Then include the files in your webserver configuration:

Include /.../crs-setup.conf
Include /.../rules/*.conf

For detailed installation instructions, see the INSTALL document. Also review the CHANGES and KNOWN_BUGS documents.
You can update the rule set using the included script util/

Handling False Positives and Advanced Features

Advanced features are explained in the crs-setup.conf and the rule files themselves. The crs-setup.conf file is generally a very good entry point to explore the features of the CRS.
We are trying hard to reduce the number of false positives (false alerts) in the default installation. But sooner or later, you may encounter false positives nevertheless.

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set is distributed under Apache Software License (ASL) version 2. Please see the enclosed LICENSE file for full details.

Credit: Chaim Sanders, Walter Hop & Christian Folini

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Hayat – Google Cloud Platform & Auditing & Hardening Script

Hayat tool used for Google Cloud Platform Auditing & Hardening Script.

What does that mean Hayat?

Well, I had a hard time finding a unique name, honestly. “Hayat” is a Turkish word which means “Life” in English and also my niece’s name. Are you ready to meet her?

Hayat is a auditing & hardening script for Google Cloud Platform services such as:

  • Identity & Access Management
  • Logging and monitoring
  • Networking
  • Virtual Machines
  • Storage
  • Cloud SQL Instances
  • Kubernetes Clusters

for now.

Also ReadKamerka – Build Interactive Map Of Cameras From Shodan

Identity & Access Management

  • Ensure that corporate login credentials are used instead of Gmail accounts.
  • Ensure that there are only GCP-managed service account keys for each service account.
  • Ensure that ServiceAccount has no Admin privileges.
  • Ensure that IAM users are not assigned Service Account User role at project level.

Logging and Monitoring

  • Ensure that sinks are configured for all Log entries.


  • Ensure the default network does not exist in a project.
  • Ensure legacy networks does not exists for a project.
  • Ensure that DNSSEC is enabled for Cloud DNS.
  • Ensure that RSASHA1 is not used for key-signing key in Cloud DNS DNSSEC.
  • Ensure that RSASHA1 is not used for zone-signing key in Cloud DNS DNSSEC.
  • Ensure that RDP access is restricted from the Internet.
  • Ensure Private Google Access is enabled for all subnetwork in VPC Network.
  • Ensure VPC Flow logs is enabled for every subnet in VPC Network.

Virtual Machines

  • Ensure that instances are not configured to use the default service account with full access to all Cloud APIs.
  • Ensure “Block Project-wide SSH keys” enabled for VM instances.
  • Ensure oslogin is enabled for a Project.
  • Ensure ‘Enable connecting to serial ports’ is not enabled for VM Instance.
  • Ensure that IP forwarding is not enabled on Instances.


  • Ensure that Cloud Storage bucket is not anonymously or publicly accessible.
  • Ensure that logging is enabled for Cloud storage bucket.

Cloud SQL Database Services

  • Ensure that Cloud SQL database instance requires all incoming connections to use SSL.
  • Ensure that Cloud SQL database Instances are not open to the world.
  • Ensure that MySql database instance does not allow anyone to connect with administrative privileges.
  • Ensure that MySQL Database Instance does not allows root login from any host.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Ensure Stackdriver Logging is set to Enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters.
  • Ensure Stackdriver Monitoring is set to Enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters.
  • Ensure Legacy Authorization is set to Disabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters.
  • Ensure Master authorized networks is set to Enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters.
  • Ensure Kubernetes Clusters are configured with Labels.
  • Ensure Kubernetes web UI / Dashboard is disabled.
  • Ensure Automatic node repair is enabled for Kubernetes Clusters.
  • Ensure Automatic node upgrades is enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters nodes.
  • Ensure Container-Optimized OS (cos) is used for Kubernetes Engine Clusters Node image.
  • Ensure Basic Authentication is disabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters.


git clone && cd Hayat && chmod +x && ./

You can use with specific functions, e.g if you want to scan just Kubernetes Cluster:

./ --only-kubernetes


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Secret Keeper : Python Script To Encrypt & Decrypt Files With A Given Key

Secret Keeper is a file encryptor written in python which encrypt your files using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). CBC Mode is used when creating the AES cipher wherein each block is chained to the previous block in the stream.

Also ReadXSS Fuzzer : Tool Which Generates XSS Payloads Based On User-Defined Vectors & Fuzzing Lists

Secret Keeper Features

  1. Secret Keeper has the ability to generate a random encryption key base on the user input.
  2. Secret Keeper can successfully encrypt and decrypt .txt and .docx file types.

How to Install and Run in Linux?

  • Enter the following command in the terminal to download it.

git clone

  • After downloading the program, enter the following command to navigate to the Digger directory and listing the contents

cd Secret-Keeper && ls

  • Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  • Now run the script with following command.


How to Install and Run in Windows

  • Download and run Python 2.7.x and Python 3.7 setup file from
    • In Install Python 3.7, enable Add Python 3.6 to PATH
  • Download and run Git setup file from, choose Use Git from Windows Command Propmt.
  • Afther that, Run Command Propmt and enter these commands:
git clone
cd Secret-Keeper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

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Lightbulb Framework : Tools For Auditing WAFS

LightBulb Framework is an open source python framework for auditing web application firewalls and filters.

LightBulb Framework Synopsis

The framework consists of two main algorithms:

  • GOFA: An active learning algorithm that infers symbolic representations of automate in the standard membership/equivalence query model.

Active learning algorithms permits the analysis of filter and sanitizer programs remotely, i.e. given only the ability to query the targeted program and observe the output.

  • SFADiff: A black-box differential testing algorithm based on Symbolic Finite Automate (SFA) learning

Finding differences between programs with similar functionality is an important security problem as such differences can be used for fingerprinting or creating evasion attacks against security software like Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) which are designed to detect malicious inputs to web applications.

Also ReadKBD-Audio : Tools For Capturing & Analysing Keyboard Input Paired With Microphone Capture

Commands Usage

Main interface commands:

Command Description
core Shows available core modules
utils Shows available query handlers
info <module> Prints module information
library Enters library
modules Shows available application modules
use <module> Enters module
start <moduleA> <moduleB> Initiate algorithm
help Prints help
status Checks and installs required packages
complete Prints bash completion command

Module commands:

Command Description
back Go back to main menu
info Prints current module information
library Enters library
options Shows available options
define <option> <value> Set an option value
start Initiate algoritm
complete Prints bash completion command

Library commands:

Command Description
back Go back to main menu
info <folder\module> Prints requested module information (folder must be located in lightbulb/data/)
cat <folder\module> Prints requested module (folder must be located in lightbulb/data/)
modules <folder> Shows available library modules in the requested folder (folder must be located in lightbulb/data/)
search <keywords> Searches available library modules using comma separated keywords
complete Prints bash completion command


Prepare your system

First you have to verify that your system supports flex, python dev, pip and build utilities:

For apt platforms (ubuntu, debian…):

    sudo apt-get install flex
	sudo apt-get install python-pip
	sudo apt-get install python-dev
	sudo apt-get install build-essential

(Optional for apt) If you want to add support for MySQL testing:

    sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

For yum platforms (centos, redhat, fedora…) with already installed the extra packages repo (epel-release):

	sudo yum install -y python-pip
	sudo yum install -y python-devel
	sudo yum install -y wget
	sudo yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'

(Optional for yum) If you want to add support for MySQL testing:

	sudo yum install -y mysql-devel 
	sudo yum install -y MySQL-python

Install Lightbulb

In order to use the application without complete package installation:

git clone
cd lightbulb-framework
lightbulb status

In order to perform complete package installation. You can also install it from pip repository. This requires first to install the latest setuptools version:

pip install setuptools --upgrade
pip install lightbulb-framework
lightbulb status

If you want to use virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install lightbulb-framework
lightbulb status

The “lightbulb status” command will guide you to install MySQLdb and OpenFst support. If you use virtualenv in linux, the “sudo” command will be required only for the installation of libmysqlclient-dev package.

It should be noted that the “lightbulb status” command is not necessary if you are going to use the Burp Extension.

The reason is that this command installs the “openfst” and “mysql” bindings and the extension by default is using Jython, which does not support C bindings.

It is recommended to use the command only if you want to change the Burp extension configuration from the settings and enable the native support.

It is also possible to use a docker instance:

docker pull lightbulb/lightbulb-framework

Install Burp Extension

If you wish to use the new GUI, you can use the extension for the Burp Suite. First you have to setup a working environment with Burp Proxy and Jython

  • Download the latest Jython from here
  • Find your local python packages installation folder*
  • Configure Burp Extender to use these values, as shown below*

  • Select the new LightBulb module (“”) and set the extension type to be “Python”

You can ignore this step, and install the standalone version which contains all the required python packages included. You can download it here

Contributors: George Argyros,Ioannis Stais,Suman Jana,Angelos D. Keromytis Aggelos Kiayias

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