0xsp Mongoose : Privilege Escalation Enumeration Toolkit (64/32 )


Using 0xsp mongoose you will be able to scan targeted operating system for any possible way for privilege escalation attacks,starting from collecting information stage until reporting information through 0xsp Web Application API . User will be able to scan different Linux / windows Operation systems at same time with high performance , with out spending time looking inside the terminal...

Constellation : A Graph-Focused Data Visualisation & Interactive Analysis Application


Constellation is a graph-focused data visualisation and interactive analysis application enabling data access, federation and manipulation capabilities across large and complex data sets. Vision Statement Constellation is a first class, domain agnostic data visualisation and analysis application enabling the user to solve large and complex data problems in a simple and intuitive way. Users: data analysts, data scientists, and all people interested...

HashCatch : Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically


Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks and tries to capture the handshakes. It can be used in any Linux device including Raspberry Pi and Nethunter devices so that you can capture handshakes while walking your dog. Install from source git clone https://github.com/staz0t/hashcatchInstall the prerequisites and ensure that they are working properly Add the hashcatch directory to your PATH./hashcatch...

Five Benefits That Will Convince You to Integrate Your Systems


In today’s day and age, running a business means using complex technological systems. That’s both a good and a bad thing. It has never been quicker and easier to use technology to help organize and run your business, but there has never been more programs you have to deal with either! Integrating your systems can be the solution. For example, security orchestration can join...

Nuages : A Modular C2 Framework 2019


Nuages aims at being a C2 framework in which back end elements are open source, whilst implants and handlers must be developed ad hoc by users. As a result, it does not provide a way to generate implants, but an open source framework to develop and manage compatible implants that can leverage all the back end resources already developed. This...

RedHunt OS : Virtual Machine for Adversary Emulation & Threat Hunting


Virtual Machine for Adversary Emulation and Threat Hunting by RedHunt Labs. RedHunt OS aims to be a one stop shop for all your threat emulation and threat hunting needs by integrating attacker's arsenal as well as defender's toolkit to actively identify the threats in your environment. Tool Setup Attack Emulation: CalderaAtomic Red TeamNmapCrackMapExecMetasploitResponderZapADRecon Threat HUNTing: Kolide FleetELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) Stack Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): MaltegoRecon-ngDatasploittheHarvestor Threat...

Sudomy : Subdomain Enumeration Tool Created Using A Bash Script


Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool, created using a bash script, to analyze domains and collect subdomains in fast and comprehensive way. Features For recent time, the tool has these 9 features: Easy, light, fast and powerful. Bash script is available by default in almost all Linux distributions. By using bash script multiprocessing feature, all processors will be utilized optimally.Subdomain enumeration process can be...

NebulousAD : Automated Credential Auditing Tool


NebulousAD automated credential auditing tool. I will be adding a wiki, documentation, etc. soon. Features: Will be adding a redact-by-group feature that will not dump hashes or check against the api for accounts in specific groups (such as domain administrators). Installation Simply download the precompiled release (requires no python interpreter), or build from source: Requires Python2.7 (for now) Run git clone git@github.com:NuID/nebulousAD.git Next, install with python...

PHPStan – PHP Static Analysis Tool – Discover Bugs In Your Code Without Running It


PHPStan focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it. It catches whole classes of bugs even before you write tests for the code. It moves PHP closer to compiled languages in the sense that the correctness of each line of the code can be checked before you run the actual line. Prerequisites PHPStan requires PHP >= 7.1....

5 Essential Tips to Protect Your Student Data Privacy


The rapid advancement of technology has made it easier for students to protect their information and engage with their teachers in class thus making learning easier and efficient. Technology has made it easier for teachers to collaborate with their students during sessions. When using education technological tools, you have to collect the relevant student data so that you can tailor your teaching techniques accordingly....