Goscan : Interactive Network Scanner
GoScan is an interactive network scanner client, featuring auto-completion, which provides abstraction and automation over nmap. Although it started as a small side-project I developed in order to learn @golang, GoScan can now be used to perform host discovery, port scanning, and service enumeration not only in situations where being stealthy is not a priority and time is limited (think...
DNSDmpstr : Unofficial API & Client for DnsDumpster & HackerTarget
DNSDmpstr is an unofficial API & Client for DNS Dumpster and HackerTarget.com IP tools. DNS dumpster is a FREE domain research tool that can discover hosts related to a domain. Finding visible hosts from the attackers perspective is an important part of the security assessment process. Also Read - Metaforge : An OSINT Metadata Analysing Tool that Filters Through Tags...
FreeVulnSearch : Script to Query Vulnerabilities via the cve-search.org API
This NMAP NSE script is part of the Free OCSAF project FreeVulnSearch. In conjunction with the version scan "-sV" in NMAP, the corresponding vulnerabilities are automatically assigned using CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and the severity of the vulnerability is assigned using CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). For more clarity, the CVSS are...
Remot3d : A Simple Tool Created for Large Pentesters
Remot3d is a simple tool created for large pentesters as well as just for the pleasure of defacers to control server by backdoors. A tool made to generate backdoor to control and exploit a server where the server runs the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) program. Equipped with a backdoor that has been Obfuscated which means that 100% FUD (FULLY UNDETECTABLE) in other...
Armory : A Tool Meant to Take in a Lot of External & Discovery Data
Armory is a tool meant to take in a lot of external and discovery data from a lot of tools, add it to a database and correlate all of related information. It isn't meant to replace any specific tool. It is meant to take the output from various tools, and use it to feed other tools. Additionally, it is meant...
DOGE : Darknet Osint Graph Explorer
DOGE is a darknet Osint Graph Explorer, which is still in the development stage and you should use this in addtion to Darknet OSINT Transform. Query prototype: SELECT DISTINCT custom_column_name AS input, another_custom_name AS output FROM some_table, obviously you can add other options as WHERE, ORDER BY, etc. Also Read - Metaforge : An OSINT Metadata Analysing Tool that Filters...
Top Best Useful Commands for Kali Linux?
Linux administrators can't live by the graphical UI alone. That is the reason we've ordered helpful Linux commands into this advantageous guide. Kali Linux is a Debian inferred Linux circulation intended for computerized crime scene distribution and penetration testing. It comes with a lot of inbuilt hacking tools which can be used to hack websites and wireless networks. With just a few commands,...
What is Bug Bounty Program?
A bug bounty program, likewise called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a publicly supporting activity that rewards people for finding and revealing programming bugs. When developing up a site or application the designers are specialists altogether checks your item up, down and sideways, testing every aspect of its functionality. However, they may not be a specialist with regards to cybersecurity testing. So worried...
Metaforge : An OSINT Metadata Analysing Tool that Filters Through Tags & Creates Reports
Metaforge is an OSINT Metadata analysing tool that filters through tags and creates reports. Please note that it requires at least python version 3.5 to work! Supported Filetypes dlldocxdocexegifhtmljpegmkvmp3mp4odpodsodtpdfpngpptxpptsvgtorrentwavxlsxxlszip Also Read - SocialFish : Educational Phishing Tool & Information Collector Setup Install exiftool Debian-based apt install libimage-exiftool-perl RHEL-based yum install perl-Image-ExifTool Arch Linux pacman -S perl-image-exiftool Mac OSX brew install exiftool Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt Running Metaforge Place the files you wish...
Mad Metasploit : Metasploit Custom Modules, Plugins & Resource Script
Mad Metasploit is an awesome metasploit collection which include metasploit custom modules, plugins and resource script. Add mad-metasploit to metasploit framework config your metasploit-framework directory $ vim config/config.rb$metasploit_path = '/opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/'/usr/share/metasploit-framework Interactive Mode $ ./mad-metasploit Commandline Mode(preset all) $ ./mad-metasploit Also Read - Hashboy : A Hash Query Tool Use custom modules search auxiliary/exploits, other.. HAHWUL > search springbootMatching ModulesName ...