SILENTTRINITY – A Post-Exploitation Agent Powered By Python, IronPython, C#/.NET
SILENTTRINITY is a post-exploitation agent powered by Python, IronPython, C#/.NET. SILENTTRINITY Requirements Server requires Python >= 3.7 SILENTTRINITY C# implant requires .NET >= 4.5 Also ReadAutoRDPwn – The Shadow Attack Framework Notes .NET runtime support The implant needs .NET 4.5 or greater due to the IronPython DLLs being compiled against .NET 4.0, also there is no ZipArchive .NET library prior to 4.5 which the...
Nameles – Open Source Entropy Based Invalid Traffic Detection & Pre-bid Filtering
Nameles provides an easy to deploy, scalable IVT detection and filtering solution that is proven to detect at a high level of accuracy ad fraud and other types of invalid traffic such as web scraping. Nameles Getting Started wget chmod +x setup && ./setup Detection Capability While absolute measurement of detection capability is impossible, Nameles is the only detection solution that can be audited...
imR0T – Encryption to Your Whatsapp Contact
imR0T : Send a quick message with simple text encryption to your whatsapp contact and , basically in ROT13 with new multi encryption based algorithm on ASCII and Symbols Substitution. How To Use imR0T It's simple: # Clone this repository git clone # Go into the repository cd imR0T # Permission Acces chmod +x imR0T # Run the app ./imR0T Also ReadAutoRDPwn – The Shadow Attack Framework Command Line help: A...
RemoteRecon – Remote Recon and Collection
RemoteRecon provides the ability to execute post-exploitation capabilities against a remote host, without having to expose your complete toolkit/agent. Often times as operator's we need to compromise a host, just so we can keylog or screenshot (or some other miniscule task) against a person/host of interest. Why should you have to push over beacon, empire, innuendo, meterpreter, or a custom...
ReconDog – Reconnaissance Swiss Army Knife
Following are the ReconDog main features, Wizard + CLA interface Can extracts targets from STDIN (piped input) and act upon them All the information is extracted with APIs, no direct contact is made to the target ReconDog Utilities Censys: Uses to gather massive amount of information about an IP address. NS Lookup: Does name server lookup Port Scan: Scan most...
AutoRDPwn – The Shadow Attack Framework
AutoRDPwn is a script created in Powershell and designed to automate the Shadow attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to view his victim's desktop without his consent, and even control it on request. For its correct operation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements described in the user guide. requirements Also ReadSandsifter – The x86...
Pentest Machine – Automates Some Pentest Jobs Via Nmap xml File
Pentest Machine automates some pentesting work via an nmap XML file. As soon as each command finishes it writes its output to the terminal and the files in output-by-service/ and output-by-host/. Runs fast-returning commands first. Please send me protocols/commands/options that you would like to see included. HTTP whatweb WPScan (only if whatweb returns a WordPress result) EyeWitness with active...
XXRF Shots – Useful For Testing SSRF Vulnerability
XXRF Shots is useful for testing SSRF vulnerability. Server Side Request Forgery or SSRF is a type of vulnerability class where attacker sends crafted request from a vulnerable web application, including the unauthorised access to the internal resources behind the firewall which are inaccessible directly from the external network. XXRF Shots Installation git clone phantomjs chmod +x ./ Also ReadClrinject – Injects...
EKFiddle – A framework Based On The Fiddler Web Debugger To Study Exploit Kits, Malvertising & Malicious Traffic In General
EKFiddle is a framework based on the Fiddler web debugger to study Exploit Kits, malvertising and malicious traffic in general. Enable C# scripting (Windows only) Launch Fiddler, and go to Tools -> Options In the Scripting tab, change the default (JScript.NET) to C#. Change default text editor (optional) In the same Tools -> Options menu, click on the Tools tab. Windows: notepad.exe or notepad++.exe ...
DigiDuck – Framework for Digiduck Development Boards Running ATTiny85 Processors & Micronucleus Bootloader
Framework for Digiduck Development Boards running ATTiny85 processors and micronucleus bootloader! DigiDuck Installation DigiDuck Framework (Referred to as DDF) is really simple to start and setup! There are no third party modules required for DDF! All you need to do is make sure you have Python 3.6+ (I used this to develop it but it should be backwards compatible *hopefully*). Clone...