Triton – Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) Framework

Triton is a Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework. It provides internal components like a Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine, a Taint Engine, AST representations of the x86 and the x86-64 instructions set semantics, SMT simplification passes, an SMT Solver Interface and, the last but not least, Python bindings.

Based on these components, you are able to build program analysis tools, automate reverse engineering and perform software verification. As it is still a young project, please, don’t blame us if it is not yet reliable. Open issues or pull requests are always better than troll =).

Also ReadMiasm – Reverse Engineering Framework In Python


  • IRC: #qb_triton@freenode
  • Mail: triton at quarkslab com

Cite Triton

  author    = {Florent Saudel and Jonathan Salwan},
  title     = {Triton: A Dynamic Symbolic Execution Framework},
  booktitle = {Symposium sur la s{\'{e}}curit{\'{e}} des technologies de l'information
               et des communications, SSTIC, France, Rennes, June 3-5 2015},
  publisher = {SSTIC},
  pages     = {31--54},
  year      = {2015},

Credit: Jonathan Salwan, Pierrick Brunet, Florent Saudel & Romain Thomas

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