Telepathy – Mastering Telegram OSINT For Enhanced Digital Investigations


Telepathy has been described as the "swiss army knife of Telegram tools," allowing OSINT analysts, researchers and digital investigators to archive Telegram chats (including replies, media content, comments and reactions), gather memberlists, lookup users by given location, analyze top posters in a chat, map forwarded messages, and more. The toolkit has already seen a wide variety of use cases, including...

Blackbird – The Advanced OSINT Tool For Digital Investigations


Blackbird is a robust OSINT tool that facilitates rapid searches for user accounts by username or email across a wide array of platforms, enhancing digital investigations. It features WhatsMyName integration, export options in PDF, CSV, and HTTP response formats, and customizable search filters. Setup Clone The Repository git clone cd blackbird Install Requirements pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Search By Username python --username username1 username2 username3 Search...

Natudump – Automating The Extraction Of Naturalisation Decrees From LegiFrance


This is example of scraping public LegiFrance registry's naturalisation decrees for research purposes only (naturalisation par mariage is not included in these decrees). Code license is MIT. pip install selenium charset_normalizer mkdir -p jo # python3 -o jo --years $(seq 2000 2021) --output-directory-prefix "$(wslpath -a -w "$PWD")\" # for WSL systems, must be on a NTFS drive python3 -o jo...

Sabonis – The Ultimate Tool For Enhanced Digital Forensics And Incident Response


Sabonis provides a way of quickly parsing EVTX, proxy and PCAP files and extracting just the information related to lateral movements. It also has the ability of loading all this information into a Neo4J database. This not only provides a graphic and easy-going way of investigating an incident, but also allows incident handlers to make use of the powerful...

AutoExif – Simplifying Image Metadata Editing With Bash


AutoExif is a powerful Bash script designed to streamline the process of editing image metadata through the exiftool utility. This guide provides a straightforward approach to installing and using AutoExif, making it accessible for users who wish to modify image files easily. Developed by SirCryptic, AutoExif is an open-source tool licensed under the MIT License, ensuring it is free...

SimpleImager V4.3 : A Step-by-Step Guide To Efficient System Imaging


SimpleImager V4.3, your go-to tool for streamlined system imaging and data acquisition. Designed to simplify the process of capturing essential system information, this guide will walk you through each step to ensure successful imaging. Whether you're backing up data or conducting system diagnostics, SimpleImager V4.3 is equipped to handle your needs efficiently. This script has been created to ease out...

MetaOSINT – Revolutionizing OSINT Investigations With Top Tools And Resources


MetaOSINT enables open source intelligence ("OSINT") practitioners to jumpstart their investigations by quickly identifying relevant, publicly-available tools and resources, saving valuable time during investigations, research, and analysis. What Is OSINT? Open source intelligence (“OSINT”) is intelligence derived from open sources. Intelligence refers to raw information that has been analyzed or contextualized.  Open source refers to information that virtually anyone can access, usually over the internet. OSINT’s definition...

ThreatPinch Lookup – Enhancing Cybersecurity Investigations Through Automated Tooltips


ThreatPinch Lookup creates informational tooltips when hovering oven an item of interest on any website. It helps speed up security investigations by automatically providing relevant information upon hovering over any IPv4 address, MD5 hash, SHA2 hash, and CVE title. It’s designed to be completely customizable and work with any rest API. Current IOC Support IPv4 MD5 SHA1 SHA2 CVE FQDN (EFQDN is for Internet FQDN, IFQDN...

Oh Shint! Navigating The Depths Of Cyber-Intelligence With Donvito


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M.E.A.T. – Pioneering Mobile Forensics With The Mobile Evidence Acquisition Toolkit


The Mobile Evidence Acquisition Toolkit designed by BlackStone Discovery. Developed to enhance digital forensics, this toolkit facilitates comprehensive data acquisition from iOS devices, with planned expansion to Android. M.E.A.T. equips forensic experts with the tools needed to execute logical and filesystem acquisitions seamlessly, paving the way for advanced mobile forensics investigations. Meet M.E.A.T! From Jack Farley - BlackStone Discovery This toolkit aims to...