RapidRepoPull : Quickly Pull & Install Repos from its List

RapidRepoPull goal is to quickly pull and install repos from its list. This program uses Python to clone/maintain multiple security related repos using threading and multiprocessing.

Use cases

  • Quickly install your favorite Security repos on a new system
  • Kick off multiple concurrent git clone tasks utilizing Python
  • Add remove repos to the worker_data list as needed in order to address indivudual use case/project needs


  • This program was tested with Python version 3.7.2 64-bit
  • Ensure the Python3 virtual environment package is installed (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install python3-venv

  • Ensure git is installed (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install git

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Usage Option 1 Automatic (Docker)

  • Clone code repo

git clone https://github.com/tbalz2319/RapidRepoPull.git

  • Change directory into RapidRepoPull

cd RapidRepoPull

  • The script will run in a minimal Alpine Docker container (126 MB) and extract the dirs in the current working dir

docker-compose up –build

Usage Option 2 Local Install

  • Clone code repo

git clone https://github.com/tbalz2319/RapidRepoPull.git

  • Change directory into RapidRepoPull

cd RapidRepoPull

  • Execute the script below


Usage Option 3 Manual

  • Clone code repo

git clone https://github.com/tbalz2319/RapidRepoPull.git

  • Change directory into RapidRepoPull

cd RapidRepoPull

  • Create a virtual Python3 environment to run this code

python3 -m venv venv

  • Activate the virual enivornment

source venv/bin/activate

  • Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run program

python3 rapid.py

Update Program

  • Run the following script


Mass Update all existing repos

  • Run the command to maintain all existing repos by attempting to pull latest version


To do

  • Add error handling

Clean up code