Do you think they need your date? Do you think they need access to your credit cards? There is something more valuable for hackers than you think.
One of the main targets of modern hackers is to get access to your servers. It allows them to use it as an email relay for spam.
But what else they can do with this access?

Some hackers can use access to your servers as a part of a botnet. What does it mean?
It means that they can use your sources to mine for Bitcoins. That’s why they usually don’t interested in your bank cards or data. They have their own target. Are you surprised?
Don’t be afraid. In this article, you’ll learn how to secure your website. Make a long story short, you’ll learn:
- How to protect personal data;
- How not to become someone’s bitcoin farm;
- How to prevent hackers from gaining access to your server.
If you don’t want someone to use your web design and development company with a purpose to mine Bitcoins or something then read this article to the end.
Let’s dive into this valuable topic!
Software safety

Maybe it’ll sound obvious but keeping your software up to date is pretty important. It’ll increase your chances to stay secure.
You don’t need to worry if you use a managed hosting solution because the hosting companies take care of the most dangerous things that can theoretically happen.
If you use CMS or forums then make sure you are quick to apply any security patches. By the way, most vendors have an RSS feed that will inform you if there is a threat of hacker interference.
An update is key to security. Don’t be lazy to do this regularly. You may not feel significant improvements with each next update, but you’ll always be sure that it’s more difficult for hackers to crack you.
Let’s talk about SQL injection
SQL injection attacks usually occur according to plan like this.
The hacker uses the input form or URL parameters. Through them, he gets access to the database, with the help of simple manipulations. It’s very easy to do if you are using Transact SQL. Moreover, usually this happens unnoticed, and more likely you don’t suspect anything at all.
Almost all programming languages have such a feature as parameterized queries. It’s easy to implement. You should do it if you want to be secure from SQL injection.
Password issues

The main problem with passwords is that not many people come up with really strong passwords.
Here are the strong password criteria:
- It should be at least 8 characters, but better more;
- It should contain both letters and numbers;
- It should contain letters of a different register;
- In any case don’t make a password the date of your birth.
Follow these guidelines to create a truly strong password. Encourage your site users to create strong passwords for their accounts.
How to push users to this? It’s pretty easy. You need to create a registration form so that the site rejects passwords with less than 8 characters. Then your users will be more or less protected.
Also, create a pop-up window that reminds users of the importance of a strong password. It’s very simple to do, and your users will feel that you care about them.
Good website moderation
This is one of the surest ways to secure your site. You need to ensure a daily and good website moderation. The main points of moderation are as follows:
- Checking the entire website;
- Spam removal
- Prompt provision of any technical changes to the site.
These are just the most basic points to take care of. Does your website have reliable moderation?
Quarterly scan
You must remember that every 3-4 months you need to scan. It’s easy to forget about it, but if one day you lose your own data, then you will start to treat it more responsibly. Is it worth learning from bad experience if you can hear this advice and add a scan to the list of obligatory tasks for working with the site?
A quarterly scan is performed by PCI through the Trustwave service.This is done very easily, and doesn’t bring as many problems as the absence of this item can bring.
Think twice, and never skip a quarterly scan.
Use HTTPS for Better Protection

HTTPS is a protocol that provides even greater protection then HTTP. This protocol uses next-generation encryption algorithms. It provides the formation of a secure communication channel between the user’s browser and the site.
Of course, you’ll need a credit card for registration. But is it really a problem when nowadays everyone is paid by credit card.
This way you increase the level of security of your site. And if you really care about your users, then you should do it.
Although many websites have already switched to HTTPS.
Use special security tools
There are some special security tools that will help you keep track of security:
- OpenVAS
Are you looking for a perfect security scanner? You came into the right place. More than 25.000 scans. It’s also open source. Check it to get all the advantages of OpenVAS.
It’s also a very important security tool. It’ll help you to report as quickly as possible. If something went wrong you won’t lose your time. Try it to know how can you protect your website.
- Netsparker
There is a free community. Also, you can get a trial version. Netsparker is the best for testing SQL injection.
Safety isn’t everything

Trying to make your website more secure, don’t forget that security is only a good condition for the development of your website. How useful your website is depending on the quality of the content.
Make your website protected. Use it for your needs, and not for the needs of hackers.