Polyshell : A Bash/Batch/PowerShell Polyglot

PolyShell is a script that’s simultaneously valid in Bash, Windows Batch, and PowerShell. This makes PolyShell a useful template for penetration testing as it can be executed on most systems without the need for target-specific payloads. It is also specifically designed to be deliverable via input injection using a USB Rubby Ducky, MalDuino, or similar …

Lazyrecon : Automate Your Reconnaissance Process In An Organized Fashion

LazyRecon is a script written in Bash, it is intended to automate some tedious tasks of reconnaissance and information gathering. This tool allows you to gather some information that should help you identify what to do next and where to look. Main Features Create a dated folder with recon notes Grab subdomains using: * Sublist3r, …