Cypherhound : Terminal Application That Contains 260+ Neo4j Cyphers For BloodHound Data Sets

Cypherhound a Python3 terminal application that contains 260+ Neo4j cyphers for BloodHound data sets. Why? BloodHound is a staple tool for every red teamer. However, there are some negative side effects based on its design. I will cover the biggest pain points I’ve experienced and what this tool aims to address: This tool can also …

Autobloody : Tool To Automatically Exploit Active Directory Privilege Escalation Paths Shown By BloodHound

Autobloody is a tool to automatically exploit Active Directory privilege escalation paths shown by BloodHound. Description This tool automates the AD privesc between two AD objects, the source (the one we own) and the target (the one we want) if a privesc path exists in BloodHound database. The automation is composed of two steps: Because … : An AD Explorer Snapshot Parser. It Is Made As An Ingestor For BloodHound is an AD Explorer snapshot parser. It is made as an ingestor for BloodHound, and also supports full-object dumping to NDJSON. AD Explorer allows you to connect to a DC and browse LDAP data. It can also create snapshots of the server you are currently attached to. This tool allows you to convert those snapshots …

GoodHound : Uses Sharphound, Bloodhound And Neo4j To Produce An Actionable List Of Attack Paths

GoodHound came about because I had a need to perform a repeatable assessment of attack paths using Bloodhound.I found that when used in a defensive way BloodHound was so good at identifying attack paths in a domain I was faced with several thousand to process with each review, with no way to deduplicate the findings …

MacHound : An extension to audit Bloodhound collecting and ingesting of Active Directory relationships on MacOS hosts

MacHound is an extension to the Bloodhound audting tool allowing collecting and ingesting of Active Directory relationships on MacOS hosts. MacHound collects information about logged-in users, and administrative group members on Mac machines and ingest the information into the Bloodhound database. In addition to using the HasSession and AdminTo edges, MacHound adds three new edges …

Max : Maximizing BloodHound With A Simple Suite Of Tools

Description New Release: dpat – The BloodHound Domain Password Audit Tool (DPAT) A simple suite of tools: get-info – Pull lists of information from the Neo4j database mark-owned – Mark a list of objects as Owned mark-hvt – Mark a list of objects as High Value Targets query – Run a raw Cypher query and …