Bore : Simple CLI Tool For Making Tunnels To Localhost

Bore, a modern simple TCP tunnel in Rust that exposes local ports to a remote server, bypassing standard NAT connection firewalls. That’s all it does: no more, and no less. This will expose your local port at localhost:8000 to the public internet at<PORT>, where the port number is assigned randomly. Similar to local tunnel and ngrok, except bore is intended to be a …

ChopChop : ChopChop Is A CLI To Help Developers Scanning Endpoints And Identifying Exposition Of Sensitive Services/Files/Folders

ChopChop is a command-line tool for dynamic application security testing on web applications, initially written by the Michelin CERT. Its goal is to scan several endpoints and identify exposition of services/files/folders through the webroot. Checks/Signatures are declared in a config file (by default: chopchop.yml), fully configurable, and especially by developers. Building We tried to make the build …

Whispers : Identify Hardcoded Secrets In Static Structured Text

Whispers is a static code analysis tool designed for parsing various common data formats in search of hardcoded credentials and dangerous functions. Whispers can run in the CLI or you can integrate it in your CI/CD pipeline. Detects Passwords API tokens AWS keys Private keys Hashed credentials Authentication tokens Dangerous functions Sensitive files Supported Formats …

NashaVM : A Virtual Machine For .NET Files & Its Runtime Was Made In C++/CLI

Nasha is a Virtual Machine for .NET files and its runtime was made in C++/CLI Installation git clone –recurse cd NashaVM\NashaVM nuget restore msbuild Dependencies dnlib .NET Framework 4.0 Visual C++ Redistrutable Known Issues Incompatible with Linux based OS FAQ What is this project for? This project is made to protect and hide managed …

Croc : Easily And Securely Send Things From One Computer To Another

Croc is a tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folders. AFAIK, croc is the only CLI file-transfer tool that does all of the following: allows any two computers to transfer data (using a relay) provides end-to-end encryption (using PAKE) enables easy cross-platform transfers (Windows, Linux, Mac) allows multiple …

Geo-Recon : An OSINT CLI Tool Desgined To Fast Track IP Reputation

Geo-Recon is an OSINT CLI tool designed to fast track IP Reputation and Geo-locaton look up for Security Analysts. Setup This tool is compactible with: Any Linux Operating System (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS) Termux Linux Setup git clone cd geo-recon chmod +x pip install -r requirements.txt Termux Setup git clone cd geo-recon chmod …

Evine : Interactive CLI Web Crawler

Evine is a simple, fast, and interactive web crawler and web scraper written in Golang. Evine is useful for a wide range of purposes such as metadata and data extraction, data mining, reconnaissance and testing. Install From Binary Pre-build binary releases are also available. From source go get “$GOPATH/bin/evine” -h From GitHub git clone …

Padding Oracle Attacker : CLI Tool & Library To Execute Padding Oracle Attacks Easily

CLI tool and library to execute padding oracle attacks easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI. Install Make sure Node.js is installed, then run $ npm install –global padding-oracle-attackeror$ yarn global add padding-oracle-attacker CLI Usage Library API const { decrypt, encrypt } = require(‘padding-oracle-attacker’)// orimport { decrypt, encrypt } from ‘padding-oracle-attacker’ …

Shellerator : CLI Tool For The Generation Of Bind & Reverse Shell

Shellerator is a simple command-line tool aimed to help pentesters quickly generate one-liner reverse/bind shells in multiple languages (Bash, Powershell, Java, Python…). This project is inspired by Print-My-Shell. I just rewrote it and added some options and glitter to it. The lists of reverse and bind shells are not perfect yet. I’ll work on this …