FiddleZAP : A Simplified Version Of EKFiddle For OWASP ZAP

FiddleZAP is a simplified version of EKFiddle for OWASP ZAP. With ZAP as your web proxy, you are able to flag malicious traffic based on predefined regular expressions. Example: Alert, highlighting and tagging when a regex matches on a string within the HTML source code of a compromised website Installation Download and install ZAP: Download or clone …

EKFiddle – A framework Based On The Fiddler Web Debugger To Study Exploit Kits, Malvertising & Malicious Traffic In General

EKFiddle is a framework based on the Fiddler web debugger to study Exploit Kits, malvertising and malicious traffic in general. Enable C# scripting (Windows only) Launch Fiddler, and go to Tools -> Options In the Scripting tab, change the default (JScript.NET) to C#. Change default text editor (optional) In the same Tools -> Options menu, …