Brutality : A Fuzzer For Any GET Entries

A Brutality is a fuzzer for any GET entries and following are the features ; Multi-threading on demand Fuzzing, bruteforcing GET params Find admin panels Colored output Hide results by return code, word numbers Proxy support Big wordlist Also Read – IP Finder CLI : The Official Command Line Client For IPFinder Usages Install git …

Mutiny Fuzzer : Network Fuzzer Replaying PCAPs Through a Mutational Fuzzer

The Mutiny Fuzzer Framework is a network fuzzer that operates by replaying PCAPs through a mutational fuzzer. The goal is to begin network fuzzing as quickly as possible, at the expense of being thorough. The general workflow for Mutiny is to take a sample of legitimate traffic, such as a browser request, and feed it …

SSRFmap : Automatic SSRF Fuzzer And Exploitation Tool

SSRF are often used to leverage actions on other services, this framework aims to find and exploit these services easily. SSRFmap takes a Burp request file as input and a parameter to fuzz. Note : Server Side Request Forgery or SSRF is a vulnerability in which an attacker forces a server to perform requests on …