Wpgarlic : A Proof-Of-Concept WordPress Plugin Fuzzer

Wpgarlic is a proof-of-concept WordPress plugin fuzzer used in the research described in https://kazet.cc/2022/02/03/fuzzing-wordpress-plugins.html that helped to discover more than 140 vulnerablities in WordPress plugins installed on almost 15 million sites. If you want to continue the research, start with less popular plugins – if a plugin achieved at least 10k active installs between October 2021 and …

WAF-A-MoLE : A Guided Mutation-Based Fuzzer For ML-based Web Application Firewalls

WAF-A-MoLE is a guided mutation-based fuzzer for ML-based Web Application Firewalls, inspired by AFL and based on the FuzzingBook by Andreas Zeller et al. Given an input SQL injection query, it tries to produce a semantic invariant query that is able to bypass the target WAF. You can use this tool for assessing the robustness of your product by letting WAF-A-MoLE …

LibAFL : Advanced Fuzzing Library – Slot Your Fuzzer Together In Rust

Advanced Fuzzing Library is a slot your own fuzzers together and extend their features using Rust. LibAFL is written and maintained by Andrea Fioraldi andreafioraldi@gmail.com and Dominik Maier mail@dmnk.co. Why LibAFL? LibAFL gives you many of the benefits of an off-the-shelf fuzzer, while being completely customizable. Some highlight features currently include: fast: We do everything we can at …

OpenRedireX : Asynchronous Open redirect Fuzzer for Humans

OpenRedireX is a asynchronous open redirect fuzzer for humans. Key Features Takes a url or list of urls and fuzzes them for Open redirect issues You can specify your own payloads in ‘payloads.txt’ Shows Location header history (if any) Fast (as it is Asynchronous) umm thats it , nothing much ! Usage Note : Use …

URLBuster : Powerful Mutable Web Directory Fuzzer To Bruteforce

URLBuster is a powerful web directory fuzzer to locate existing and/or hidden files or directories. Similar to dirb or gobuster, but with a lot of mutation options. Installation pip install urlbuster Features Proxy support Cookie support Basic Auth Digest Auth Retries (for slow servers) Persistent and non-persistent HTTP connection Request methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, …

Nautilus : A Grammar Based Feedback Fuzzer

Nautilus is a coverage guided, grammar based fuzzer. You can use it to improve your test coverage and find more bugs. By specifying the grammar of semi valid inputs, Nautilus is able to perform complex mutation and to uncover more interesting test cases. Many of the ideas behind this fuzzer are documented in a Paper …

Frida-Fuzzer : Experimental Fuzzer Used For API In-Memory Fuzzing

Frida-Fuzzer is a experimental fuzzer is meant to be used for API in-memory fuzzing. The design is highly inspired and based on AFL/AFL++. ATM the mutator is quite simple, just the AFL’s havoc and splice stages. I tested only the examples under tests/, this is a WIP project but is known to works at least …

FuzzBench : Fuzzer Benchmarking As A Service

FuzzBench is a free service that evaluates fuzzers on a wide variety of real-world benchmarks, at Google scale. The goal of FuzzBench is to make it painless to rigorously evaluate fuzzing research and make fuzzing research easier for the community to adopt. We invite members of the research community to contribute their fuzzers and give …

Fuzzowski : The Network Protocol Fuzzer

The idea is to be the Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use. The aim of this tool is to assist during the whole process of fuzzing a network protocol, allowing to define the communications, helping to identify the “suspects” of crashing a service, and much more Last Changes[16/12/2019] Data Generation modules fully recoded (Primitives, Blocks, …

Injectus : CRLF & Open Redirect Fuzzer

Injectus is a simple python tool that goes through a list of URLs trying CRLF and open redirect payloads. Design If we have the following URL: https://dubell.io/?param1=value1&url=value2&param3=value3 For CRLF attacks, Injectus will inject every payload once into the value of one parameter, for every n parameters. For example, Injectus will create the following list with …