Injector : Complete Arsenal Of Memory Injection And Other Techniques For Red-Teaming In Windows

Injector is a Complete Arsenal of Memory injection and other techniques for red-teaming in Windows. What Does Injector Do? Process injection support for shellcode located at remote server as well as local storage. Just specify the shellcode file and it will do the rest. It will by default inject into notepad.exe and if not found, …

Zin : A Payload Injector For Bugbounties Written In Go

Zin is a payload Injector For Bugbounties Written In Go. Features Inject multiple payloads into all parameters Inject single payloads into all parameters Saves responses into output folder Displays Status Code & Response Length Can grep for patterns in the response Really fast Easy to setup Install $ go get -u New Features Pattern …

DLInjector-GUI : Faster DLL Injector for Processes

DLInjector for Graphical User Interface. Faster DLL Injector for processes. It targets the process name to identify the target. The process does not need to be open to define the target. DLInjector waits until the process executed. USAGE Its usage a very simple. Firstly, enter the target process name with exe (chrome.exe, explorer.exe). And enter …

Pylane : An Python VM Injector With Debug Tools, Based On GDB

Pylane is a python vm injector with debug tools, based on gdb and ptrace. Pylane uses gdb to trace python process, inject and run some code in its python vm. Usage use inject command to inject a python script in an process: pylane inject <PID><YOUR_PYTHON_FILE>+ Also Read – Lazyrecon : Automate Your Reconnaissance Process In …