EyeWitness : Take Screenshots Of Websites

EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if known. EyeWitness is designed to run on Kali Linux. It will auto detect the file you give it with the -f flag as either being a text file with URLs on each new line, nmap xml output, …

Webstor : A Script To Quickly Enumerate All Websites Across All Of Your Organization’s Networks

Webstor is a tool implemented in Python under the MIT license for quickly enumerating all websites across all of your organization’s networks, storing their responses, and querying for known web technologies and versions, such as those with zero-day vulnerabilities. It is intended, in particular, to solve the unique problem presented in mid to large sized …

HttpDoom : A Tool For Response-Based Inspection Of Websites

HttpDoom is a validate large HTTP-based attack surfaces in a very fast way. Heavily inspired by Aquatone. Why? When I utilize Aquatone to flyover some hosts, I have some performance issues by the screenshot feature, and the lack of extension capabilities – like validating front-end technologies with a plugin-like system -, also, my codebase is …

GitJacker : Leak Git Repositories From Misconfigured Websites

Gitjacker downloads git repositories and extracts their contents from sites where the .git directory has been mistakenly uploaded. It will still manage to recover a significant portion of a repository even where directory listings are disabled. For educational/penetration testing use only. More information at https://liam-galvin.co.uk/security/2020/09/26/leaking-git-repos-from-misconfigured-sites.html Installation curl -s “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamg/gitjacker/master/scripts/install.sh” | bash …or grab a precompiled …

Webtech : Identify Technologies Used on Websites

We’re very proud to release WebTech as open-source software. WebTech is a Python software that can identify web technologies by visiting a given website, parsing a single response file or replaying a request described in a text file. This way you can have reproducible results and minimize the requests you need to make to a …