Sandman : NTP Based Backdoor For Red Team Engagements In Hardened Networks

Sandman is a backdoor that is meant to work on hardened networks during red team engagements. Sandman works as a stager and leverages NTP (a protocol to sync time & date) to get and run an arbitrary shellcode from a pre-defined server. Since NTP is a protocol that is overlooked by many defenders resulting in …

HSTP – Simple Hyper Service Transfer Protocol On Networks

HSTP protocol aims to develop a application layer abstraction for the Hyper Service Transfer Protocol. HSTP is a recursion as nature of HSTP. This protocol implements itself as a interface. On every internet connected device, there is a HSTP instance. That’s why the adoption is not needed. HSTP already running top of the internet. We …

Webstor : A Script To Quickly Enumerate All Websites Across All Of Your Organization’s Networks

Webstor is a tool implemented in Python under the MIT license for quickly enumerating all websites across all of your organization’s networks, storing their responses, and querying for known web technologies and versions, such as those with zero-day vulnerabilities. It is intended, in particular, to solve the unique problem presented in mid to large sized …

HashCatch : Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically

Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks and tries to capture the handshakes. It can be used in any Linux device including Raspberry Pi and Nethunter devices so that you can capture handshakes while walking your dog. Install from source git clone Install the prerequisites and ensure that they are working properly …