WhoAmIMailBot is a service to mask your e-mails. It was inspired by Blur, where you can create an alias for your e-mail and use it to signup on applications. The problem with Blur is that all e-mails pass trough their infraestructure and I don’t need/want anybody looking on my e-mails, so I made this project. It is similar to Blur service but runs on your own infraestructure!

How it works?

You will need:

  • A domain (to not expend money you can use no-ip services);
  • A VPS that allows smtp outbound;
  • A telegram bot ID;
  • Your telegram user ID;
  • This project.

Your VPS will run a postfix that will redirect e-mails using the postfix function of virtual alias (where you can set an e-mail address to redirect all incoming messages to another e-mail), the no-ip domain will be the domain which you’ll use on your alias e-mails and the telegram bot will manage your alias.

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  • From source

git clone https://github.com/mthbernardes/WhoAmIMailBot.git
cd WhoAmIMailBot
docker build -t whoamimailbot .
docker run -d -p 25:25 –name whoamimailbot -v /data/postfix/:/data -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=”BOT_TOKEN” -e TELEGRAM_USER_ID=”USER_ID”

  • From Hub Docker

You can download the image using the following command:

docker pull btamburi/whoamimailbot


docker run -d -p 25:25 –name whoamimailbot -v /data/postfix/:/data -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=”BOT_TOKEN” -e TELEGRAM_USER_ID=”USER_I

Environment variables

This image uses environment variables to allow the configuration of some parameteres at run time:

  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Telegram bot token. (Use: @BotFather)
  • TELEGRAM_USER_ID: Your Telegram ID. (Use: @my_id_bot)
  • FAKE_DOMAIN: Your fake domain for receive email. (Example: mailbot.ddns.net )


On your telegram bot you have the follow commands,