Wordlister is a simple wordlist generator and mangler written in python. It makes use of python multiprocessing capabilities in order to speed up his job (CPU intensive).

Supported Permutations

  •  Capital
  •  Upper
  •  1337
  •  Append
  •  Prepend

Additional Functions

  •  Test/Dry run
  •  Multiprocessing
  •  Multicore
  •  Possibility to adjust cores/processes number manually.
  •  Each generated password doesn’t contain same word twice.

Also Read – HashCatch : Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically


sage: wordlister.py [-h] –input INPUT –perm PERM –min MIN –max MAX
[–test TEST] [–cores CORES] [–leet] [–cap] [–up]
[–append APPEND] [–prepend PREPEND]
A simple wordlist generator and mangler written in python.
Optional Arguments:
-h, –help
show this help message and exit
–test TEST Output first N iterations (single process/core)
–cores CORES Manually specify processes/cores pool that you want to
–leet Activate l33t mutagen
–cap Activate capitalize mutagen
–up Activate uppercase mutagen
–append APPEND Append chosen word (append ‘word’ to all passwords)
–prepend PREPEND Append chosen word (prepend ‘word’ to all passwords)
Required Arguments:
–input INPUT
Input file name
–perm PERM Max number of words to be combined on the same line
–min MIN Minimum generated password length
–max MAX Maximum generated password length

This project is for educational purposes only. Don’t use it for illegal activities. I don’t support nor condone illegal or unethical actions and I can’t be held responsible for possible misuse of this software.