BBOT (Bighuge BLS OSINT Tool) is a recursive internet scanner inspired by Spiderfoot, but designed to be faster, more reliable, and friendlier to pentesters, bug bounty hunters, and developers.

Special features include:

  • Support for Multiple Targets
  • Web Screenshots
  • Suite of Offensive Web Modules
  • AI-powered Subdomain Mutations
  • Native Output to Neo4j (and more)
  • Python API + Developer Documentation

Comparison To Other Tools

BBOT consistently finds 20-50% more subdomains than other tools. The bigger the domain, the bigger the difference. To learn how this is possible, see How It Works.

BBOT Modules By Flag

For a full list of modules, including the data types consumed and emitted by each one, see List of Modules.

Flag# ModulesDescriptionModules
safe76Non-intrusive, safe to runaffiliates, aggregate, ajaxpro, anubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, badsecrets, bevigil, binaryedge, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_file_enum, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, credshed, crobat, crt, dehashed, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, dnszonetransfer, emailformat, filedownload, fingerprintx, fullhunt, git, github_codesearch, github_org, gowitness, hackertarget, httpx, hunt, hunterio, iis_shortnames, internetdb, ip2location, ipstack, leakix, myssl, newsletters, nsec, ntlm, oauth, otx, passivetotal, pgp, postman, rapiddns, riddler, robots, secretsdb, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, skymem, social, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, subdomaincenter, sublist3r, threatminer, urlscan, viewdns, virustotal, wappalyzer, wayback, zoomeye
passive57Never connects to target systemsaffiliates, aggregate, anubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, bevigil, binaryedge, bucket_file_enum, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, credshed, crobat, crt, dehashed, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, emailformat, excavate, fullhunt, github_codesearch, github_org, hackertarget, hunterio, internetdb, ip2location, ipneighbor, ipstack, leakix, massdns, myssl, nsec, otx, passivetotal, pgp, postman, rapiddns, riddler, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, skymem, social, speculate, subdomaincenter, sublist3r, threatminer, urlscan, viewdns, virustotal, wayback, zoomeye
subdomain-enum47Enumerates subdomainsanubisdb, asn, azure_realm, azure_tenant, bevigil, binaryedge, builtwith, c99, censys, certspotter, chaos, columbus, crt, digitorus, dnscommonsrv, dnsdumpster, dnszonetransfer, fullhunt, github_codesearch, github_org, hackertarget, httpx, hunterio, internetdb, ipneighbor, leakix, massdns, myssl, nsec, oauth, otx, passivetotal, postman, rapiddns, riddler, securitytrails, shodan_dns, sitedossier, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, subdomaincenter, subdomains, threatminer, urlscan, virustotal, wayback, zoomeye
active40Makes active connections to target systemsajaxpro, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, bypass403, dastardly, dnszonetransfer, ffuf, ffuf_shortnames, filedownload, fingerprintx, generic_ssrf, git, gowitness, host_header, httpx, hunt, iis_shortnames, masscan, newsletters, nmap, ntlm, nuclei, oauth, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, robots, secretsdb, smuggler, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, telerik, url_manipulation, vhost, wafw00f, wappalyzer
web-thorough29More advanced web scanning functionalityajaxpro, azure_realm, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, bypass403, dastardly, ffuf_shortnames, filedownload, generic_ssrf, git, host_header, httpx, hunt, iis_shortnames, nmap, ntlm, oauth, robots, secretsdb, smuggler, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, telerik, url_manipulation, wappalyzer
aggressive19Generates a large amount of network trafficbypass403, dastardly, ffuf, ffuf_shortnames, generic_ssrf, host_header, ipneighbor, masscan, massdns, nmap, nuclei, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, smuggler, telerik, url_manipulation, vhost, wafw00f
web-basic17Basic, non-intrusive web scan functionalityazure_realm, badsecrets, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, filedownload, git, httpx, iis_shortnames, ntlm, oauth, robots, secretsdb, sslcert, subdomain_hijack, wappalyzer
cloud-enum11Enumerates cloud resourcesazure_realm, azure_tenant, bucket_amazon, bucket_azure, bucket_digitalocean, bucket_file_enum, bucket_firebase, bucket_google, httpx, oauth, subdomain_hijack
affiliates8Discovers affiliated hostnames/domainsaffiliates, azure_realm, azure_tenant, builtwith, oauth, sslcert, viewdns, zoomeye
slow8May take a long time to completebucket_digitalocean, dastardly, fingerprintx, paramminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers, smuggler, vhost
email-enum7Enumerates email addressesdehashed, emailformat, emails, hunterio, pgp, skymem, sslcert
deadly4Highly aggressivedastardly, ffuf, nuclei, vhost
portscan3Discovers open portsinternetdb, masscan, nmap
web-paramminer3Discovers HTTP parameters through brute-forceparamminer_cookies, paramminer_getparams, paramminer_headers
iis-shortnames2Scans for IIS Shortname vulnerabilityffuf_shortnames, iis_shortnames
report2Generates a report at the end of the scanaffiliates, asn
social-enum2Enumerates social mediahttpx, social
service-enum1Identifies protocols running on open portsfingerprintx
subdomain-hijack1Detects hijackable subdomainssubdomain_hijack
web-screenshots1Takes screenshots of web pagesgowitness


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