DetExploit is software that detect vulnerable applications and not-installed important OS updates on the system, and notify them to user.

As we know, most of cyberattacks uses vulnerability that is released out year before.

I thought this is huge problem, and this kind of technology should be more powerful than technology that will detect unknown malwares or exploits.


Demo Video Clip (v0.5, English, Click and jump to YouTube to play video)

Also Read – FileGPS : A Tool That Help You To Guess How Your Shell Was Renamed


Windows Platform (Tested on Windows 10)
Python 3.x (Tested on 3.7)
Modules written in requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)
Win32Com (PyWin32: Python for Windows extensions)

How to run

Executable Build is not available now.
It is planned to be availble on stable release.

Install requirements
C:\path\to\DetExlopit>pip install -r requirements.txt
Move to src directory
C:\path\to\DetExlopit>cd src
Run CUI version using python (PATH needs to be configured if not.)
Run GUI version using python (PATH needs to be configured if not.)

Supported Database

  • ExploitDB
  • JVN (Japan Vulnerability Notes)
  • NVD (National Vulnerability Database)