HT-WPS-Breaker : High Touch WPS Breaker

High Touch HT-WPS-BREAKER is a small tool based on the bash script language, it can help you to extract the wps pin of many vulnerable routers and get the password, in the last i want to notice that HT-WPS Breaker in its process is using these tools :

  • “Piexiewps”
  • “Reaver”
  • “Bully”
  • “Aircrack Suite”
  • “Wash”

and some commands in automatic way to do its job i hope you like my tool.

Also Read : Electronegativity : A Tool to Identify Misconfigurations & Security Anti-Patterns in Electron Applications



Here is how to make the script works

Here is how to make the script works

  • Copy to Desktop .
  • Open The Terminal .
  • Type the following commands :
    • cd Desktop
    • unzip
    • cd HT-WPS-Breaker
    • chmod +x
    • ./ or bash