KisMac2 – Free Open Source Wireless Stumbling & Security Tool For Mac OS X

KisMAC2 is a free, open source wireless stumbling and security tool for Mac OS X. This project, is an active project to continue where original development of KisMac has stopped. The Trac for the original KisMac is at

Also ReadScrounger – Mobile Application Testing Toolkit

What’s new:

  • Mac OS 10.9 – 10.12 (64-bit only)
  • ARC (64-bit only)
  • New GUI
  • Modern Objective-c syntax
  • Rewrote most part of deprecated methods
  • Remove debug info from release

How To Build KisMAC2:

git clone ./KissMac2
cd KissMac2
git submodule update --init --recursive
open KisMac2.xcworkspace

Credit: Vitalii Parovishnyk (Korich)