SauronEye : Search Tool To Find Specific Files Containing Specific Words


SauronEye is a search tool built to aid red teams in finding files containing specific keywords. Features Search multiple (network) drivesSearch contents of filesSearch contents of Microsoft Office files (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx)Find VBA macros in old 2003 .xls and .doc filesSearch multiple drives multi-threaded for increased performanceSupports regular expressions in search keywordsCompatible with Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly It's also quite fast, can...

InQL – A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing


A security testing tool to facilitate GraphQL technology security auditing efforts. InQL can be used as a stand-alone script, or as a Burp Suite extension. Running inql from Python will issue an Introspection query to the target GraphQL endpoint in order fetch metadata information for: Queries, mutations, subscriptionsIts fields and argumentsObjects and custom objects types InQL can inspect the introspection query...

MSSQLProxy : A Toolkit To Perform Lateral Movement In Restricted Environments


MSSQLProxy is a toolkit aimed to perform lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised Microsoft SQL Server via socket reuse. The client requires impacket and sysadmin privileges on the SQL server. It consists of three parts: CLR assembly: Compile assembly.csCore DLL: Compile reciclador.slnClient: (based on Impacket's example) You can compile the libraries or download them from releases...

ProjectOpal : Stealth Post-Exploitation Framework For WordPress


We intentionally made it for our penetration testing jobs however its getting grey hairs now so we thought we would like to pass it on to the public!. ProjectOpal or Opal. Is a stealth post exploit framework for wordpress sites that can hide its trace from logs and obfuscate it's way through the system! :) Fun cool...

Tinfoil Chat – Onion Routed, Endpoint Secure Messaging System


Tinfoil Chat (TFC) is a FOSS+FHD peer-to-peer messaging system that relies on high assurance hardware architecture to protect users from passive collection, MITM attacks and most importantly, remote key exfiltration. TFC is designed for people with one of the most complex threat models: organized crime groups and nation state hackers who bypass end-to-end encryption of traditional secure messaging apps...

ConEmu : Customizable Windows Terminal


ConEmu Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which represents multiple consoles as one customizable GUI window with various features. Initially, the program was created as a companion to Far Manager, my favorite shell replacement - file and archive management, command history and completion, powerful editor. Today, ConEmu can be used with any other console application or simple GUI tools...

Ninja : Open Source C2 Server Created For Stealth Red Team Operations


Ninja C2 is an Open source C2 server created by Purple Team to do stealthy computer and Active directory enumeration without being detected by SIEM and AVs , it still in beta version and when the stable version released it will contains many more stealthy techniques and anti-forensic to create a real challenge for blue...

RapidPayload : Framework Metasploit Payload Generator


Framework RapidPayload is a metasploit payload generator. Requirements OpenJDK 8 (JAVA) , or superiors versions . Metasploit Apktool Python3 Execution git clone cd RapidPayloadbash python3 Also Read - InstaSave : Python Script To Download Images, Videos & Profile Pictures From Instagram AngelSecurityTeam Download

Katana : A Python Tool For Google Hacking


Katana ds (ds for dork_scanner) is a simple python tool that automates Google Hacking/Dorking and support Tor. It becomes a more powerfull in combination with GHDB. Installation Use the package manager pip to install requirements cd Katana python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python3 Usage cd Katana python3 -h (for help) Options : -g :for google mode -s :for scada...

Envizon : Network Visualization & Vulnerability Management/Reporting


Envizon is a tool designed, developed and supported by evait security. In order to give something back to the security community, we publish our internally used and developed, state of the art network visualization and vulnerability reporting tool, 'envizon'. We hope your feedback will help to improve and hone it even further. Use Case We use envizon for our pentests in...