AbsoluteZero : Python APT Backdoor


AbsoluteZero is a Python APT backdoor, optimised for Red Team Post Exploitation Tool, it can generate binary payload or pure python source. The final stub uses polymorphic encryption to give a first obfuscation layer to itself. Deployment AbsoluteZero is a complete software written in Python 2.7 and works both on Windows and Linux platforms, in order to make it working...

Osmedeus : Security Framework For Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Scanning


Osmedeus allows you automated run the collection of awesome tools to reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning against the target. Installation git clone https://github.com/j3ssie/Osmedeus cd Osmedeus ./install.sh This install only focus on Kali linux, check more install on Wiki page How To Use If you have no idea what are you doing just type the command below or check out the Advanced Usage ./osmedeus.py -t example.com Features  Subdomain...

WAES : Web Auto Enum & Scanner


WAES is nothing but Web Auto Enum & Scanner. Doing HTB or other CTFs enumeration against targets with HTTP(S) can become trivial. It can get tiresome to always run the same script/tests on every box eg. nmap, nikto, dirb and so on. A one-click on target with automatic reports coming solves the issue. Furthermore, with a script the enum...

BADministration : Tool Which Interfaces with Management or Administration Applications


BADministration is a tool which interfaces with management or administration applications from an offensive standpoint. It attempts to provide offsec personnel a tool with the ability to identify and leverage these non-technical vulnerabilities. As always: use for good, promote security, and fight application propagation. Sorry for using python2.7, I found a lot of the vendor APIs would only run on...

SQLMap : Automatic SQL Injection & Database Takeover Tool


SQLMap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the...

CommandoVM : A Fully Customizable Windows-Based Pentesting Virtual Machine Distribution


Welcome to CommandoVM a fully customizable, Windows-based security distribution for penetration testing and red teaming. Installation Requirements Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 1060 GB Hard Drive2 GB RAM Recommended Windows 1080+ GB Hard Drive4+ GB RAM2 network adaptersEnable Virtualization support for VMREQUIRED FOR KALI OR DOCKER Instructions Standard Install Create and configure a new Windows Virtual Machine Ensure VM is updated completely. You may have...

Skadi : Collect, Process & Hunt With Host Based Data From MacOS, Windows & Linux


Skadi is a free, open source collection of tools that enables the collection, processing and advanced analysis of forensic artifacts and images. It works on MacOS, Windows, and Linux machines. It scales to work effectively on laptops, desktops, servers, the cloud, and can be installed on top of hardened / gold disk images. This portal allows easy access to...

KRF : A Kernelspace Randomized Faulter


KRF is a Kernelspace Randomized Faulter. It currently supports the Linux and FreeBSD kernels. Fault injection is a software testing technique that involves inducing failures ("faults") in the functions called by a program. If the callee has failed to perform proper error checking and handling, these faults can result in unreliable application behavior or exploitable vulnerabilities. Unlike the many userspace fault...

SET : The Social-Engineer Toolkit Repository From TrustedSec


The Social-Engineer Toolkit is an open-source penetration testing framework designed for social engineering. SET has a number of custom attack vectors that allow you to make a believable attack quickly. It is a product of TrustedSec, LLC – an information security consulting firm located in Cleveland, Ohio. Installation LinuxMac OS X (experimental) Also Read - Memguard : Secure Software Enclave For...

GrapheneX : Automated System Hardening Framework


GrapheneX is an automated system hardening framework. Although the current technology tries to design systems as safe as possible, security flaws and situations that can lead to vulnerabilities caused by unconscious use and missing configurations still exist. The user must be knowledgeable about the technical side of system architecture and should be aware of the importance of securing his/her...