GearGoat – A Comprehensive Guide To Using CaringCaribou For CAN Network Analysis
To find out the arbitration IDs and the corresponding message data and positional bytes for all the actions in GearGoat using CaringCaribou. Solution Step 0: To install Caring Caribou: Clone the repository and run the installation file: git clone cd caringcaribou/ sudo python3 install Return back to the previous location and run the following: cd .. printf "[default]ninterface = socketcannchannel = vcan0" > $HOME/.canrc More info here:- CaringCaribou Step 1: The...
FireFox OSINT And Security Researcher Configuration – A Guide To Enhancing Firefox For Security Investigations
Configure FireFox with Security and Intelligance features for OSINT and Security Investigations. This repo is in early alpha. Do not run this script yet Download The Required Files Download the required files from the GitHub Repository How To Run The Script The script may be lauched from the extracted GitHub download like this: Windows: .sos-firefoxresearcher.ps1 Linux: sudo chmod +x ./ sudo bash ./
ForensiX – Advanced Digital Forensics For Chrome Data Analysis
Explore the cutting-edge capabilities of ForensiX, a robust digital forensics tool designed for deep analysis of Google Chrome data. From preserving data integrity to detailed suspect profiling, ForensiX utilizes advanced machine learning models to enhance investigative processes. This guide covers installation, features, and operational insights for effective data examination. Features Mounting of volume with Google Chrome data and preserving integrity trough...
Toutatis – The Ultimate Tool For Extracting Data From Instagram Profiles
Toutatis is a tool that allows you to extract information from instagrams accounts such as e-mails, phone numbers and moreFor BTC Donations : 1FHDM49QfZX6pJmhjLE5tB2K6CaTLMZpXZ Prerequisite Python 3 Installation With PyPI pip install toutatis With Github git clone cd toutatis/ python3 install Usage: toutatis -u username -s instagramsessionid Example Informations about : xxxusernamexxx Full Name ...
libelfmaster – Pioneering Secure And Versatile ELF Parsing
libelfmaster is a C library for loading and parsing ELF objects of any type. The goal of this project was to create an API that is innovative in its ability to be user-friendly, secure, and provide a variety of creative and useful ways to access an ELF object. Not only that, but this library was largley created for designing...
Karma v2 – The Ultimate Tool For Enhanced Cybersecurity Research
???????????????????? ???????? can be used by Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers, Bug Hunters to find deep information, more assets, WAF/CDN bypassed IPs, Internal/External Infra, Publicly exposed leaks and many more about their target. Shodan Premium API key is required to use this automation. Output from the ???????????????????? ???????? is displayed to the screen and saved to files/directories. ℹ Regarding Premium Shodan...
gOSINT – The Comprehensive Open Source Intelligence Toolkit In Go
gOSINT is a multiplatform OSINT Swiss army knife in Golang. If you want, feel free to contribute and/or leave a feedback! What gOSINT Can Do Currently gOSINT has different modules: git support for mail retriving (using github API, or plain clone and search) Search for mails, aliases and KeyID in PGP Server search for mail in databreach Retrieve Telegram Public Group Message History Search for mail address in...
Trace Labs Kali Linux Build Configuration
Trace Labs OSINT Distribution based on Kali Linux. It covers modifications to the default Kali repository, build steps using Docker or a Debian host, and includes a list of pre-installed applications tailored for OSINT investigations. The following changes have been made to the default Kali git repo: Creation of a folder for Tracelabs under the kali-config/variant-tracelabs/package-lists/kali-list.chroot path. The kali-list.chroot can be modified to add additional...
Tracee – Harnessing eBPF For Enhanced System Security And Observabilit
Tracee is a runtime security and observability tool that helps you understand how your system and applications behave.It is using eBPF technology to tap into your system and expose that information as events that you can consume.Events range from factual system activity events to sophisticated security events that detect suspicious behavioral patterns. To learn more about Tracee, check out the documentation. Quickstart To quickly try...
Forensic Toolkit – Comprehensive Guide To Digital Forensics Tools And Techniques
In the realm of digital forensics, having the right tools is crucial for thorough investigations. This article provides an overview of essential forensic tools used for analyzing files, detecting steganography, handling audio files, examining memory dumps, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investigator, these tools will help you uncover hidden data and analyze malicious activities effectively. Tools...