A comprehensive tool that provides an insightful analysis of Microsoft’s monthly security updates. In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying informed about vulnerabilities and security updates is paramount.

Enter “PatchaPalooza,” a powerful tool designed for cybersecurity professionals, offering a streamlined and offline approach to analyzing Microsoft’s monthly security updates.

In this article, we’ll delve into the features and functionality of PatchaPalooza, providing you with insights on how it simplifies the process of tracking and understanding critical security information.

Interactive Website

IF you are interested in seing all this data in a live website, visit


PatchaPalooza uses the power of Microsoft’s MSRC CVRF API to fetch, store, and analyze security update data.

Designed for cybersecurity professionals, it offers a streamlined experience for those who require a quick yet detailed overview of vulnerabilities, their exploitation status, and more.

This tool operates entirely offline once the data has been fetched, ensuring that your analyses can continue even without an internet connection.


  • Retrieve Data: Fetches the latest security update summaries directly from Microsoft.
  • Offline Storage: Stores the fetched data for offline analysis.
  • Detailed Analysis: Analyze specific months or get a comprehensive view across months.
  • CVE Details: Dive deep into specifics of a particular CVE.
  • Exploitation Overview: Quickly identify which vulnerabilities are currently being exploited.
  • CVSS Scoring: Prioritize your patching efforts based on CVSS scores.
  • Categorized Overview: Get a breakdown of vulnerabilities based on their types.


Run PatchaPalooza without arguments to see an analysis of the current month’s data:

python PatchaPalooza.py

For a specific month’s analysis:

python PatchaPalooza.py --month YYYY-MMM

To display a detailed view of a specific CVE:

python PatchaPalooza.py --detail CVE-ID

To update and store the latest data:

python PatchaPalooza.py --update

For an overall statistical overview:

python PatchaPalooza.py --stats

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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