
Reconator is a Framework for automating your process of reconnaissance without any Computing resource (Systemless Recon) at free of cost. It is designed to host on Heroku which is a free cloud hosting provider.

It performs the work of enumerations along with many vulnerability checks and obtains maximum information about the target domain.

It also performs various vulnerability checks like XSS, Open Redirects, SSRF, CRLF, LFI, SQLi, and much more. Along with these, it performs OSINT, fuzzing, Dorking, port scanning, and nuclei scanning on your target.

Reconator receives all the targets that need to be reckoned via a Web Interface and adds them into the Queue and Notifies via Telebot at the start and end of Recon on a target. So this is 100% automated and doesn’t require any manual interaction


  • Heroku Free account (For Deploying)
  • Telegram account (For notifications)

Demo Video



(/) homeRoot page where you will add targets
/initialiseInitialize the Database and the cronjob
/queueThe targets added will be in the queue can manage targets
/scannedIt contains list of all scanned targets can view results by results
/issuesIt has a quick link for reporting a issue and tool improvement


  • Systemless Recon 100% Free
  • Fast scan and Easy to use
  • Permanent storage of Results in DB
  • Notification support via Telegram bot
  • Fully Automated Scanner
  • Easy access via Web UI
  • Queue support allows adding many targets
  • Easy Deploy Easy Recon
  • Runs 24/7 for 22 Days [Heroku – 550 hrs/month free]


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