RedFlag leverages AI to determine high-risk code changes. Run it in batch mode to scope manual security testing of release candidates, or run it in your CI pipelines to flag PRs and add the appropriate reviewers.

Despite being a security tool, RedFlag can be leveraged for almost any team as it’s configuration makes it infinitely flexible.

RedFlag is able to analyze a large number of commits in a single run. These commits can be specified using commit hashes, branch names, or tags. This is useful for scoping manual security testing of logical groups of code, such as release candidates.

Getting Started


Use a Virtual Environment
  1. Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv redflag-venv
source redflag-venv/bin/activate

2. Install RedFlag:

pip install addepar-redflag

Alternatively, if you’d like to use Poetry, clone the repo and use poetry install and then poetry run redflag.

Setup Credentials

Credentials can be set using…

  1. Environment variables
  2. A .env file
  3. CLI parameters
  4. Configuration file (This is not recommended for security reasons!)

AWS Credentials

RedFlag uses Boto3-Compatible Credentials using Profiles or Env Vars. Ensure that your AWS IAM policy has InvokeModel and InvokeModelWithResponseStream permissions to Amazon Bedrock. Lastly, make sure you’ve requested the necessary Claude models!

GitHub PAT

Use a Personal Access Token with repo permissions. Set the token as an environment variable:

export RF_GITHUB_TOKEN=your-token-here

Jira API Token (Optional)

First, set a Jira URL ( in the configuration file (jira_url), as a CLI parameter (--jira-url), or as an environment variable (RF_JIRA_URL).

Then create a Jira API Token and set it as an environment variable:

export RF_JIRA_USER=your-username-here
export RF_JIRA_TOKEN=your-token-here


Here are some examples on how to run RedFlag in batch mode.

# Using branch names:
redflag --repo YourOrg/SomeRepo --from main --to dev
# Using commit hashes:
redflag --repo YouOrg/SomeRepo --from a1b2c3 --to d4e5f6
# With a custom configuration file:
redflag --config custom-config.yml

For more information click here.


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