CiLocks : Android LockScreen Bypass

CiLocks (Crack Interface lockscreen), Metasploit and More Android Hacking. Update Available V1.1.0  Added New Tools  Root Android {Supersu} Not Support All OS Version  Jump To Adb Toolkit  Remove Lockscreen {Root}  Jump To Metasploit  Restore All Media Deleted (Coomingsoon)  Brute Pin 4 Digit  Brute Pin 6 Digit  Brute LockScreen Using Wordlist  Bypass LockScreen {Antiguard} Not Support …

ByeIntegrity UAC : Bypass UAC By Hijacking A DLL Located In The Native Image Cache

ByeIntegrity UAC is a tool used to bypass user account control (UAC) to gain elevated (Administrator) privileges to run any program at a high integrity level. Requirements Administrator account UAC notification level set to default or lower How It Works ByeIntegrity hijacks a DLL located in the Native Image Cache (NIC). The NIC is used …

PayloadsAllTheThings : A List Of Useful Payloads & Bypass

PayloadsAllTheThings is a list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF. Every section contains the following files, you can use the _template_vuln folder to create a new chapter: – vulnerability description and how to exploit it Intruder – a set of files to give to Burp Intruder Images – pictures …

IPv4Bypass – Using IPv6 to Bypass Security

IPv4Bypass bypass security using IPv6. Dependences python2.7 nmap python-nmap termcolor Example on how to run the tool $ python -i eth0 -r $ python -h Usage: [options] Options: -h, –help show this help message and exit -i INTERFACENO Network interface (e.g. eth0) -r IPRANGE Local network IP range (e.g. Also …