Subcert : Finds All The Subdomains From Certificate Transparency Logs

Subcert is a subdomain enumeration tool, that finds all the valid subdomains from certificate transparency logs. Setup Step 1: Install Python 3 apt-get install python3-pip Step 2: Clone the Repository git clone Step 3: Install Dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt Step 4: Move the Directory to /opt mv subcert /opt/ Step 5: Add an …

CarbonCopy : A Tool Which Creates A Spoofed Certificate of Any Online Website

CarbonCopy is a tool which creates a spoofed certificate of any online website and signs an Executable for AV Evasion. Works for both Windows and Linux. Also Read – DNS-Shell : An Interactive Shell Over DNS Channel CarbonCopy creates a self-signed certificates which looks like the original certificate, i.e. subject, issuer etc seem to match. …