Brutality : A Fuzzer For Any GET Entries

A Brutality is a fuzzer for any GET entries and following are the features ; Multi-threading on demand Fuzzing, bruteforcing GET params Find admin panels Colored output Hide results by return code, word numbers Proxy support Big wordlist Also Read – IP Finder CLI : The Official Command Line Client For IPFinder Usages Install git …

ParamPamPam : Tool For Brute Discover Parameters

ParamPamPam is a tool for brute discover GET and POST parameters Installation With Docker ,Install Docker git clone cd ParamPamPam docker build -t parampp . echo -e ‘#!’”/bin/bash\ndocker run -ti –rm parampp \$@” > /usr/local/bin/parampp parampp -u “” Also Read : PYWhatCMS – Unofficial WhatCMS API Package If you are lazy, Install Python3 git …