Shomon : Shodan Monitoring Integration For TheHive

ShoMon is a Shodan alert feeder for TheHive written in GoLang. With version 2.0, it is more powerful than ever! Functionalities Can be used as Webhook OR Stream listener Webhook listener opens a restful API endpoint for Shodan to send alerts. This means you need to make this endpoint available to public net Stream listener …

Ransomware-Simulator : Ransomware Simulator Written In Golang

Ransomware-Simulator, the goal of this repository is to provide a simple, harmless way to check your AV’s protection on ransomware. This tool simulates typical ransomware behaviour, such as: Staging from a Word document macro Deleting Volume Shadow Copies Encrypting documents (embedded and dropped by the simulator into a new folder) Dropping a ransomware note to …

DorkScout : Golang Tool To Automate Google Dork Scan Against The Entiere Internet Or Specific Targets

DorkScout is a tool to automate the finding of vulnerable applications or secret files around the internet throught google searches, dorkscout first starts by fetching the dorks lists from and then it scans a given target or everything it founds Installation dorkscout can be installed in different ways: Go Packages throught Golang Packages (golang package manager) go get …

Swego : Swiss Army Knife Webserver In Golang

Swego is a swiss army knife Webserver in Golang. Keep simple like the python SimpleHTTPServer but with many features. Usage Run the binary If you don’t want to build it, binaries are availables on Otherwise, build-essential should be installed and GOPATH configured: git clone Swego/srcmake compileLinux # Or make compileWindows Help $ ./webserver …

Go_Parser : Yet Another Golang Binary Parser For IDAPro

This master branch is written in Python2 for IDAPython, and tested only on IDA7.2/IDA7.0. If you use IDAPython with Python3 and higher version of IDAPro, please use Python3 Branch for Go_Parser. Inspired by golang_loader_assist and jeb-golang-analyzer, I wrote a more complete Go binaries parsing tool for IDAPro. Main Features Locate and parse firstmoduledata structure in …

gTunnel : A Robust Tunelling Solution Written In Golang

gTunnel is a TCP tunneling suite built with golang and gRPC. gTunnel can manage multiple forward and reverse tunnels that are all carried over a single TCP/HTTP2 connection. I wanted to learn a new language, so I picked go and gRPC. Client executable have been tested on windows and linux. Dependencies gTunnel has been tested …

DeimosC2 : A Golang Command & Control Framework For Post-Exploitation

DeimosC2 is a post-exploitation Command & Control (C2) tool that leverages multiple communication methods in order to control machines that have been compromised. DeimosC2 server and agents works on, and has been tested on, Windows, Darwin, and Linux. It is entirely written in Golang with a front end written in Vue.js. Listener Features Each listener …

Gowitness : A Golang Web Screenshot Utility Using Chrome Headless

Gowitness is a website screenshot utility written in Golang, that uses Chrome Headless to generate screenshots of web interfaces using the command line. Both Linux and macOS is supported, with Windows support ‘partially working‘. Inspiration for gowitness comes from Eyewitness. If you are looking for something with lots of extra features, be sure to check …

Andor : Blind SQL Injection Tool With Golang

Andor is a blind SQL Injection Tool with Golang. Also Read – Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing Usage Download andor.go and go to the folder where the file where the download file is located. And type this to command promt: go run andor.go –url “” ** Note: Get parameter …