Discover ‘httpAlive,’ a powerful URL analysis tool designed for web application penetration testing.

With features like user-agent rotation, multithreading, and colorized output, this versatile tool efficiently probes for alive subdomains and URLs. In this article, we’ll explore its capabilities, installation, and usage, empowering you with a valuable asset for enhancing your web application security assessments.


  • The “httpAlive” tool is designed to efficiently probe for alive subdomains and URLs from a provided list.
  • It includes features such as user-agent rotation, colorized output, multithreading, and a command-line interface (CLI) for ease of use.
  • Works in all platforms.


  1. User-Agent Rotation:
    • Randomly selects a user agent from a predefined list for each HTTP request to avoid detection.
  2. Colorized Output:
    • Utilizes the colorama library to provide colorized and visually appealing output.
  3. Multithreading:
    • Implements multithreading using Python’s concurrent.futures module for concurrent execution of HTTP requests.
  4. HTTP Client:
    • Utilizes the httpx library as the HTTP client with SSL certificate verification disabled.
  5. Command-Line Interface (CLI):
    • Accepts command-line arguments through the argparse module for easy configuration.
  6. Output File:
    • Saves results to an output file specified by the user (default: “httpAlive_output.txt”).
  7. Banner Display:
    • Displays a colorful banner at the beginning with information about the tool, author, and GitHub profile.
  8. Exception Handling:
    • Includes exception handling to gracefully handle interruptions, such as KeyboardInterrupt.


  • Clone the repository to your local machine.

Method 1

git clone

cd httpAlive

pip install -r requirements.txt

Method 2

git clone

cd httpAlive

pip install .

httpAlive help:

        Author   : Aashish
        Github   :
        httpAlive is a tool designed to efficiently probe for alive subdomains and Urls from a provided list.

usage: [-h] -l list [-o output] [-c CONCURRENCY] [-t THREADS]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit.

  -l list, --DomainList list
                        [INFO]: List of Subdomains or URLs.

  -o output, --output output
                        [INFO]: File to save our output.

                        [INFO]: Concurrency level to make fast process.

  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        [INFO]: Threading level to make fast process.


  • Create a file containing that contains list of URLs or subdoamins or both and give to httpAlive. The output contains status codes and content length.
  • This python code will save the results of the analysis to a file named ‘output.txt’.
  • Run the script with urls or subdomain list.


  • Do not give more threads. It might cause Race Condition

Method 1

python ./httpAlive/httpAlive -l subdomainList.txt

Method 2

httpAlive -l subdomainList.txt

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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