Pwncat : Fancy Reverse And Bind Shell Handler


Pwncat is a post-exploitation platform for Linux targets. It started out as a wrapper around basic bind and reverse shells and has grown from there. It streamlines common red team operations while staging code from your attacker machine, not the target. pwncat used to only support Linux, but there has been a lot of work recently to support multiple platforms. Currently,...

Webstor : A Script To Quickly Enumerate All Websites Across All Of Your Organization’s Networks


Webstor is a tool implemented in Python under the MIT license for quickly enumerating all websites across all of your organization's networks, storing their responses, and querying for known web technologies and versions, such as those with zero-day vulnerabilities. It is intended, in particular, to solve the unique problem presented in mid to large sized organizations with decentralized administration,...

SharpML : Machine Learning Network Share Password Hunting Toolkit


SharpML is a proof of concept file share data mining tool using Machine Learning in Python and C#. The tool is discussed in more detail on our blog here, but is summarised below also: SharpML is C# and Python based tool that performs a number of operations with a view to mining file shares, querying Active Directory for users, dropping an ML...

Data Protection: Why is it Crucial in 2022


Data protection is highly important in 2022 to avoid becoming a victim of online scams, losing any stored data, and prevent others from stealing your personal information. Such actions can cause severe reputation damage and monetary loss for both businesses and individuals. Data protection is the act of following a set of rules and investing technologies to safeguard our data....

Kodex : A Privacy And Security Engineering Toolkit: Discover, Understand, Pseudonymize, Anonymize, Encrypt And Securely Share Sensitive And Personal Data: Privacy And Security As Code


Kodex (Community Edition - CE) is an open-source toolkit for privacy and security engineering. It helps you to automate data security and data protection measures in your data engineering workflows. It offers the following functionality: Read data items from a variety of sources such as files, databases or message queues.Protect these data items using various privacy- & security enhancing transformations, like de-identification,...

LittleCorporal : A C# Automated Maldoc Generator


LittleCorporal accepts a user-supplied argument for a process to inject into on a remote machine, in which you plan to execute the malicious Word document on, and also accepts a path to a local shellcode file stored in .bin format - such as a Beacon Stageless shellcode blob on the machine you are running LittleCorporal from. So, if you would like to use...

SharpSpray : Active Directory Password Spraying Tool. Auto Fetches User List And Avoids Potential Lockouts


SharpSpray is a C# port of Domain Password Spray with enhanced and extra capabilities. This tool uses LDAP Protocol to communicate with the Domain active directory services. Features Can operate from inside and outside a domain context.Exclude domain disabled accounts from the spraying.Auto gathers domain users from the Active directory.Avoid potential lockouts by excluding accounts within one attempt of locking out.Avoid potential lockouts...

Cloudquery : Transforms Your Cloud Infrastructure Into SQL Database For Easy Monitoring, Governance And Security


Cloudquery extracts the configuration and metadata of your infrastructure and transforms it into a relational SQL database. This allows you to write SQL queries for easy monitoring, governance, and security. Key Features Explore And Monitor With SQL CloudQuery extracts, transforms (normalize), and loads (ETL) the data from scattered APIs across different cloud and SaaS providers into the PostgreSQL relational database. This gives...

StreamDivert : Redirecting (Specific) TCP, UDP And ICMP Traffic To Another Destination


StreamDivert is a tool to man-in-the-middle or relay in and outgoing network connections on a system. It has the ability to, for example, relay all incoming SMB connections to port 445 to another server, or only relay specific incoming SMB connections from a specific set of source IP's to another server. Summed up, StreamDivert is able to: Relay all incoming...

JadedWraith : Light-weight UNIX Backdoor


JadedWraith is a Lightweight UNIX backdoor for ethical hacking. Useful for red team engagements and CTFs. Something I wrote a few years ago as part of a game I was playing with a friend to try to backdoor as many VMs in each other's labs without being caught or having our tools reverse engineered/signatured. Features JadedWraith is a powerful backdoor capable...