Slurp : Evaluate The Security Of S3 Buckets


Slurp is a Blackbox/whitebox S3 bucket enumerator. Overview Credit to all the vendor packages that made this tool possible.This is a security tool; it's meant for pen-testers and security professionals to perform audits of s3 buckets. Features Scan via domain(s); you can target a single domain or a list of domainsScan via keyword(s); you can target a single keyword or a list...

Buster : Find Emails Of A Person And Return Information Associated With Them


Buster is a tool to find emails of a person and return info associated with them. It is a simple OSINT tool used to: Get social accounts from various sources(gravatar,,myspace,skype,github,linkedin,avast) Get links to where the email was found using google,twitter,darksearch and paste sites Get domains registered with an email (reverse whois) Generate possible emails and usernames of a person Find...

WDExtract : Extract Windows Defender database


WDExtract is the extract Windows Defender database from vdm files and unpack it. This program distributed as-is, without any warranty; No official support, if you like this tool, feel free to contribute. Features Unpack VDM containers of Windows Defender/Microsoft Security Essentials; Decrypt VDM container embedded in Malicious software Removal Tool (MRT.exe); Extract all PE images from unpacked/decrypted containers on the fly (-e...

Weebdns : DNS Enumeration with Asynchronicity


WeebDNS is a DNS Enumeration Tool with Asynchronicity. DISCLAIMER: This is only for testing purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use this for illegal purposes, period. Features It is an 'Asynchronous' DNS Enumeration Tool made with Python3 which makes it much faster than normal Tools. PREREQUISITES Python 3.x pip3 git PYTHON 3 PREREQUISITES aiohttp asyncio aiodns Also Read -...

RedGhost : Linux Post Exploitation Framework


RedGhost is the Linux post exploitation framework designed to assist red teams in persistence, reconnaissance, privilege escalation and leaving no trace. Payloads : Function to generate various encoded reverse shells in netcat, bash, python, php, ruby, perl.SudoInject : Function to inject sudo command with wrapper function to run a reverse root shell everytime "sudo" is run for privilege escalation.lsInject...

Recon NG : Open Source Intelligence Gathering Tool Aimed At Reducing The Time Spent Harvesting Information From Open Sources


Recon NG is a full-featured reconnaissance framework designed with the goal of providing a powerful environment to conduct open source web-based reconnaissance quickly and thoroughly. It has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework, reducing the learning curve for leveraging the framework. However, it is quite different. Recon-ng is not intended to compete with...

Python Uncompyle6 – A Cross-Version Python Bytecode Decompiler


Uncompyle6 translates Python bytecode back into equivalent Python source code. It accepts bytecodes from Python version 1.3 to version 3.8, spanning over 24 years of Python releases. We include Dropbox's Python 2.5 bytecode and some PyPy bytecode. A native Python cross-version decompiler and fragment decompiler. The successor to decompyle, uncompyle, and uncompyle2. Ok, I'll say it: this software is...

OSXCollector : A Forensic Evidence Collection & Analysis Toolkit For OS X


OSXCollector is a forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit for OSX. The collection script runs on a potentially infected machine and outputs a JSON file that describes the target machine. OSXCollector gathers information from plists, SQLite databases and the local file system. Forensic Analysis Armed with the forensic collection, an analyst can answer the question like: Is this machine infected?How'd that malware...

Vulnado – Intentionally Vulnerable Java Application


Vulnado is a purposely vulnerable Java application to help lead secure coding workshops. Vulnado application and exercises will take you through some of the OWASP top 10 Vulnerabilities and how to prevent them. Up & Running Install Docker for MacOS or Windows. You'll need to create a Docker account if you don't already have one.git clone git:// vulnadodocker-compose upOpen a browser and...

Orbit : Blockchain Transactions Investigation Tool


Orbit is designed to explore network of a blockchain wallet by recursively crawling through transaction history. The data is rendered as a graph to reveal major sources, sinks and suspicious connections. Note: It only runs on Python 3.2 and above. Usage Let's start by crawling transaction history of a wallet python3 -s 1AJbsFZ64EpEfS5UAjAfcUG8pH8Jn3rn1F Crawling multiple wallets is no different. python3 -s...