BFuzz – Fuzzing Chrome & Firefox Browsers
BFuzz is an input based fuzzer tool which take .html as an input, open's up your browser with a new instance and pass multiple testcases generated by domato which is present in recurve folder of BFuzz, more over BFuzz is an automation which performs same task repeatedly. Also ReadPython-Nubia : A Command-Line & Interactive Shell Framework Run BFuzz warmachine@ftw:~/BFuzz$ ./ warmachine@ftw:~/BFuzz$ python
DarkSpiritz : A Penetration Testing Framework For Linux, MacOS, and Windows Systems
DarkSpiritz is a penetration testing framework for Linux and Windows systems. Created by the SynTel Team it was a project of one of the owners to update and clean-up an older pentesting framework he had created to something updated and modern. It is a re-vamp of the very popular framework known as "Roxysploit". You may be familiar with this framework...
Killshot : Information gathering Tool
KillShot is a Penetration Testing Framework, Information gathering tool & Website Vulnerability Scanner. You Can use this tool to Spider your website and get important information and gather information automatically using whatweb-host-traceroute-dig-fierce-wafw00f or to Identify the cms and to find the vulnerability in your website using Cms Exploit Scanner && WebApp Vul Scanner Also You can use it to Scan...
PasteJacker : Hacking Systems With The Automation Of PasteJacking Attacks
PasteJacker the main purpose of the tool is automating (PasteJacking/Clipboard poisoning/whatever you name it) attack with collecting all the known tricks used in this attack in one place and one automated job as after searching I found there's no tool doing this job the right way. Now because this attack depends on what the user will paste, I implemented the...
XSStrike – Most Advanced XSS Detection Suite
XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine and an incredibly fast crawler. Instead of injecting payloads and checking it works like all the other tools do, it analyses the response with multiple parsers and then crafts payloads that are guaranteed to work with context analysis...
Python-Nubia : A Command-Line & Interactive Shell Framework
Python-Nubia is a lightweight framework for building command-line applications with Python. It was originally designed for the “logdevice interactive shell (aka. ldshell)” at Facebook. Since then it was factored out to be a reusable component and several internal Facebook projects now rely on it as a quick and easy way to get an intuitive shell/cli application without too much...
Slither – Static Analyzer for Solidity
Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual information about contract details, and provides an API to easily write custom analyses. Slither enables developers to find vulnerabilities, enhance their code comphrehension, and quickly prototype custom analyses. Slither Features Detects vulnerable Solidity code with low false positives Identifies where...
HttpLab : The Interactive Web Server
HttpLab is the interactive web server. HTTPLabs let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses. HttpLab Installation Golang go get go install Archlinux yaourt httplab FIXME On systems where snap is supported: snap install httplab Also ReadWinspy – Windows Reverse Shell Backdoor Creator With An Automatic IP Poisener Help Usage of httplab: -a, --auto-update Auto-updates response when fields change. (default true) ...
Telebix – Telebix is an application that communicates with a Bot on the Telegram to receive commands and send information from an infrastructure monitored by Zabbix
Telebix is an application that communicates with a Bot on the Telegram to receive commands and send information from an infrastructure monitored by Zabbix, which also sends messages in real time if any problems occur in the infrastructure, it is totally written in Python with Shell Script and has a graphical interface to help the network administrator more intuitively....
Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter : Shellcode Encrypter & Decrypter by using XOR Cipher
Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter is a Shellcode Encrypter & Decrypter, Using XOR Cipher to enc and dec shellcode. Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter Installation git clone && cd Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter/ python --help Also ReadMunin – Online Hash Checker For Virustotal & Other Services Usage Example Encryption: python --shellcode x41x41x42x42 --key SECRETKEY --option encrypt Decryption: python --shellcode x41x41x42x42 --key SECRETKEY --option decrypt Help usage: ...