RidRelay – Easy Way To Get Domain Usernames While On An Internal Network

Quick and easy way to get domain usernames while on an internal network. RidRelay combines the SMB Relay attack, common lsarpc based queries and RID cycling to get a list of domain usernames. It takes these steps:

  • Spins up an SMB server and waits for an incoming SMB connection
  • The incoming credentials are relayed to a specified target, creating a connection with the context of the relayed user
  • Queries are made down the SMB connection to the lsarpc pipe to get the list of domain usernames. This is done by cycling up to 50000 RIDs.

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RidRelay Dependencies

  • Python 2.7 (sorry but impacket doesn’t play nice with 3 🙁 )
  • Impacket v0.9.17 or above


pipenv install --two
pipenv shell

# Optional: Run if installing impacket
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd submodules/impacket
python setup.py install
cd ../..


First, find a target host to relay to. The target must be a member of the domain and MUST have SMB Signin off. CrackMapExec can get this info for you very quick!

Start RidRelay pointing to the target:

python ridrelay.py -t


Also output usernames to file

python ridrelay.py -t -o path_to_output.txt
