Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner. Installation Download precompiled version here. If you have a Go environment, make sure you have Go >= 1.13 with Go Modules enable and run the following command. GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles Please visit the Official Documention …

Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner. Installation If you have a Go environment, make sure you have Go >= 1.13 with Go Modules enable and run the following command. GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles Usage Example commands: – jaeles scan -u http://example.com– jaeles scan …

Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner. Installation go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles USAGE Modes;– Scan Mode– Fuzz Mode Jaeles – The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing beta v0.1 by @j3ssiejjj >>Usage:jaeles [command] >> Available Commands:config Configuration CLIhelp Help about any commandscan …