ZPhisher : Automated Phishing Tool For Pentesters

Zphisher is an upgraded form of Shellphish. The main source code is from Shellphish. But I have not fully copied it. I have upgraded it & cleared the Unnecessary Files. It has 37 Phishing Page Templates ; including Facebook , Twitter & Paypal. It also has 4 Port Forwarding Tools . Installation apt updateapt install …

Mip22 : An Advanced Phishing Tool

Mip22 program is made for educational purposes only for to see how the phishing method works. Any unnecessary use of the program is prohibited and the manufacturer has no responsibility for any illegal use by anyone. Use the tool at your own risk and avoid any sloppy actions. Installation Instructions Installation on Gnu / Linux …

Nexphisher : Advanced Phishing Tool For Linux & Termux

NexPhisher is an automated Phishing tool made for Termux & Linux .The phishing Pages are Taken from Zphisher under GNU General Public License v3.0 . This tool has 37 Phishing Page Templates of 30 Websites.There are 5 Port Forwarding Options including Localhost !! Installation apt updateapt install git -ygit clone https://github.com/htr-tech/nexphishercd nexphisherbash setup Run bash …

Pickl3 : Windows Active User Credential Phishing Tool

Pickl3 is a Windows active user credential phishing tool.You can execute the Pickl3 and phish the target user credential. Operational Usage – 1 Nowadays, since the operating system of many end users is Windows 10, we cannot easily steal account information with Mimikatz-like projects like the old days. Using Pickl3, you can try to steal …

Evil SSDP : Create Fake UPnP Devices To Phish For Credentials

Evil SSDP responds to SSDP multicast discover requests, posing as a generic UPNP device. Your spoofed device will magically appear in Windows Explorer on machines in your local network. Users who are tempted to open the device are shown a configurable phishing page. This page can load a hidden image over SMB, allowing you to …

HiddenEye : Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality

HiddenEye is a modern phishing tool with advanced functionality and it also currently have Android support. Now you will have live information about the victims such as : IP ADDRESS, Geolocation, ISP, Country, & many more. TESTED ON FOLLOWING Kali Linux – Rolling Edition Parrot OS – Rolling Edition Linux Mint – 18.3 Sylvia Ubuntu …

ShellPhish : Phishing Tool For 18 Social Media

ShellPhish is a phishing Tool for 18 social media like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, WordPress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, InstaFollowers, Gitlab, Pinterest. Usage git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/shellphish cd shellphish bash shellphish.sh Also Read – VTHunting : A Tiny Script Used to Generate Report About Virus Total Hunting Disclaimer Usage of this …

SocialFish : Educational Phishing Tool & Information Collector

An app to remote control SocialFish. This app is an open-source project to remote control the application, it does not work independently. Also Read – PFQ : Functional Network Framework for Multi-Core Architectures Setting Up Fernando H. E. Bellincanta edited this page 16 hours ago ยท 8 revisions PREREQUISITES Python 3.6 or >pip3 PYTHON 3 …